Tuesday, 6 December 2022

 ...and what else, dazzlenation?...a new email from oscar....and yes i'd sent them a couple of books for christmas...'the fall of boris johnson' - sebastian payne (rave reviews for being a 'laugh a minute' apparently) and another upon 'epigenetics' (nessa carey).....anyway, iain mcgilchrist - anybody?...oh and is that 'munster house' supposed to double up as an oxford college, dazzlenation....lol...or am i letting my imagination run away with me etc etc....anyway, iain has worked at the maudsley....hmmm...alexis chapman's old haunt, let us say....oh i see...and that would be a maudsley reference?....no, it is in fact a 'new college' reference....whateveritis - iain had decided to set it up, there........go figure:

McGilchrist read English at New College, Oxford, but having published Against Criticism in 1982,[3] he later retrained in medicine and has been a neuroimaging researcher at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and a Consultant Psychiatrist at the Maudsley Hospital in south London.

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