Wednesday 31 August 2022

 ....and if we're still on 'witching', dazzlenation.....daldry had wanted a reminder of 'the mark of the witch', let us say - according to superstition...and with regard to science...."mossad as witch-hunters" replies BI online...."curse re-bounded"....see previous post....go figure:

Witch's mark - Wikipedia

An extra organ or body part is more common than you think | School of Medical Sciences (

Dazzlenation (

additionally, daldry had also wanted a reminder of a certain 'police team', let us M10....seeing as he had been recruited to that ill cult...."protection agency"....anyway, netflix covers it all....along with mary berry's warning about the 'layers of deceit' a series entitled 'deceit' short, rosalind brady was forced to go undercover....remember the pain-in-her-head if she didn't?...not paid either, i might add....rimington and dearlove had been in charge, however the two police detectives were just as bad....and how do i know?....well, that is because i had also been bullied, threatened and intimidated...they then tried to forcibly drug me ...i had previously refused to drink the obviously drugged tea....i was then given a glass of water - the dead-brain police chief then ostentatiously dropped a pill into it...i refused again...tried to make a run for it...his mate then tasered me before i could reach the door (oh and it was the FBI who were to dredge the whole incident up again - to find out that the sick robot had used a 'crucifixion' signal - which had given me a heart attack, basically and so not a taser or stun-gun although it had felt like it, at the time) .....and then?....OBE time and i'm not talking order of the british, you can guess what happened next - whilst i was unconscious on the brief, rimington and dearlove then had to pick the pieces up, let us say....regarding a couple of really dead-head robos - who had simply wanted to coin it in - win a promotion etc etc...once the case had gone 'viral', let us say and the press were having a field day...and well, naturally promotion was in the air, if they solved etc etc...whilst press-ganging those that they considered 'slaves' in, to do the work for them......go figure:

oh and in relation to 'forward intelligence teams' can see how daldry's agitprop number might have fitted in with the following.....although at first glance, upon the opposite side....anyway - naturally he would be able to give 'intelligence' upon...."what he used to do":

....and  what else?....well, daldry had also wanted a reminder of what stenson used to say, at sixth form...a scotttish saying apparently....oh and he used to say 'tittie' not 'tit'....go figure:

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