...anyway, this is all a bit 'flowery' as far as i can see....and relating back to that 'flowers' series on CH4/netflix....i have no idea whether or not the fishwick family were involved....but if i were 'sophie' the eldest daughter....i wouldn't be too pleased about any of it...."invasion of privacy" replies BI online....remember that 'endemol' drugging and brain-washing company?....they steal everything that they can and make a lot of money, out of it.....hmmm....robert webb was involved.....olivia coleman was one of his 'favourites'...and they had been given the equipment to 'channel' by cathy waldegrave...who had used the system to get 'fleabag' made...and about herself, i might add.....go figure:
anyway - yes, sophie fishwick had been hit by 'lightning' after cycling over a bridge....near to the naval college....i can remember the fishwick family all riding out in that VW camper van, to find her....and yes, she had taken the same route that i had taken, by bike.....but cycled a bit further.....oh and mrs fishwick had taken the van, that route....to find the road flooded at one point and so she turned back.....which in a roundabout way, is why sophie then 'had a go' upon my old bike...emily fishwick wouldn't lend her....the bike she used to get to school on...a brand new red bike......as seen in the series, propped up by etc etc...just 'details' but important, regarding how much coincided with etc etc.....anyway, i had no idea why they were all so interested in the bridge....i had simply taken a map and gone to explore shotley, by bike....but having crossed the bridge and realised that i was near to the naval college.....well, my sixth sense was picking up on 'something not right' and so i turned back...fearing that the country lane, that i was on...might turn out to be a private one....not the case....it widened up later on....and we were to find sophie, unconscious on the grass.....ray 'n' smith then found an electronic box hidden in the grass, upon the other side.....they surmised that a wire might have been put across the road.....back in the van...i was to take her temperature, with a hand upon her forehead...."you'll need a couple of aspirin" etc etc....ray then replied - whilst driving the van....."a whiskey more like, eh - soph?"...she agreed....."a hot toddy?" i added.....whilst wondering what on earth was going on.....sophie then decided to pay a visit to one of her friends....who lived in one of the military family homes, upon that naval base....he was to tell us that his father had told him about some weird stuff...regarding electro-magnetic frequencies....going on, upon that base....he then asked me to have a look at a medal....i held it and began to tell him about his father...in a very naive sort of way...well, how was i to know that he was peddling ill cult drugs...boxes of them, hidden away in that house....until i began to 'view' the whole thing...."you call them 'flowers' but in fact, they are...."....the young man replied that was correct, with laugh....his father had been in the military but now he was "head gardener" with a laugh...sophie then asked me to go and take a walk, so that she could talk to him privately....i walked out the frontdoor, kept it on the latch, to then eavesdrop...she was to complain that she was sick and tried of having to look after those like myself....mrs fishwick used to 'take in' quite a few of us - according to sylvia...to go on a 'holiday retreat' after....well, i had just finished that MI5 russian course, for example...get the picture?....sophie was to add that she and that young man were not like 'us'...they didn't have 'second sight' etc etc....and wasn't she a terrible person for complaining....he replied that we could never remember anything afterwards...she retorted that it was "just as well - for their own good" etc etc....and so anyway, what had she been hit by and why?....hmmm....remember how they had kept 'goats'....because my sixth sense is picking up on a repeat pattern.....let me explain....remember how mrs fishwick had laughed and laughed...."is this a new game?...can i play?" to sylvia...having realised that they were trying to substitute ingabot for myself.....ray fishwick then got angry..."NO!...it's too dangerous" etc etc...oh and it was dr tony smith, who had asked me about altitude in the alps...along with how to call goats...."goat-whisperer....i'm a goat-whisperer!" he was to laugh....and yes a certain 'call' used to make them prick their ears up....go figure.
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