Friday 28 January 2022

 .....and what else, dazzlenation?....well, if we're still on hill house, combs...then i can also remember the following....'mr fripp' had been at grandpa clayton's funeral...i can remember waving to him - from the back, as he exited...whilst chatting with his friends....he seemed to know quite a few of the men, present - at the time.....anyway, why had i waved?...i had mistaken him for 'daldry' looked at me...i looked at him...that 'dorset' accent...even that had been similar to 'daldry' (who had surprised us all, in 1980 - whilst on that MI5 russian course etc etc with impressions, accents...we had all laughed at the dorset one until he told us that etc etc)....more laughter....anyway, having realised my mistake, i went a bit red....and it was all passed off etc etc....and there's more, dazzlenation....for some time, now....i haven't been able to remember what had gone on inside the church, during grandma's funeral....and there had been a very good reason for 'that one'....let me backtrack, now....and that is because you have to understand the mind of a psychopath and i'm not talking about, in point of fact...both uncle bobby and uncle michael....remember the whole groundfloor bedroom - 'bathroom ensuite' saga (my idea, after saving grandma from a nasty fall, on the stairs - supported her whilst she was having a 'turn' until grandpa came - we both then helped her down), that had enabled grandma and grandpa to remain in their beloved home....and for another decade or more, after it had been put in.....well, it had changed grandpa's mind about things...specifically that satanic cult.....and so what were those two psychopaths to do as 'revenge'?...well, they had locked me in that groundfloor bedroom...and then shoved a hose under the door...the window was locked....i tried to break it....shatterproof...i then used a poker...managed to make a hole...stood on a chair and breathed through the hole until help came...two men opened the back and frontdoors of the house....and then found a key to let me out.....i can remember seeing a military-style gas canister, by the door...anyway, they then drove me to the church....isn't that strange, dazzlenation?...or not as the case maybe....because i can remember one of them saying "we'll have to change that before they get back" i.e. the order to fool bobby and michael...anyway, the reception was to be held at a local hall...and so they wouldn't be back for some time....and so the idea had carry on 'as normal' without anybody knowing too much, i suppose....and that is where my memories of the actual funeral, began - dazzlenation...seeing the coffin being carried out of the back of the church....sylvia then appeared...."where have you been"...she was in a demonic alter....oh and in relation to your 'red telephone' of the men was to ask me "why didn't you use the..." telephone in that room....because the lead had been he was to find out....go figure:

Dazzlenation (

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