Sunday, 23 January 2022

 ....the only real difference between sylvia and mrs fishwick - dazzlenation...was that sylvia had only targeted me for that sort of 'treatment' out of my siblings...whereas mrs fishwick had targeted her entire family, including her husband....oh and i might as well give you an example.....having got tired of her 'guest' cycling around shotley, in the mornings....mrs fishwick proposed that i should cook the family lunch....i was more than happy to do so....not much to do around those parts except etc etc....and i used to like to make myself useful by cleaning up the kitchen etc etc...."stew? that all you can make?" she inquired...i replied that i could 'do' other things but that was what i was best at doing....mrs fishwick preferred to make more sophisticated numbers....pies and tarts....anyway, she then went upstairs to bed....later on, sophie and emily fishwick came ask me if i had left the stew unattended, at any given point...i replied that i had had to go to the loo but that wouldn't have given their mother time to etc etc....they weren't so sure...i then replied that i would have a small plate of it and if after 1/2 an hour - i developed etc etc....they decided that this was a good idea....sophie was to tell her sister that she would keep 'first watch' over the stew until etc was like a military operation.....anyway, the upshot of it all, was...that the stew was then quickly eaten....mrs fishwick entered....and asked the family..."you haven't eaten it all, have you?".....she then burst into tears.....sobbing hysterically....sophie was to argue back..."but we thought you didn't like stew" etc etc....anyway, remember sylvia's behaviour - that fateful millennium new year's eve ('black dog' depression brought on by going 'cold turkey' after having finished a bottle of pills that henrietta had apparently given her - novocaine)......or the time that she took to her bed, having invited all of the in-laws, to the chateau etc relation to her admitting to me, that all she had ever wanted...and for all of her life....was to be looked after....which is why she had continually got pregnant....the only time that those around her, had looked after her, apparently....sylvia's depression...hmmm....makes me wonder why she would never go to her GP for pills....but then if you look at what had happened to dr craig-up-the-road...his treatment for depression had left him brain-damaged and unable to work....lost his wife, his eldest daughter....his house.....the whole lot, along the way...anyway - those were the days, when we didn't have 'labels', dazzlenation....and even if we did...nobody really wanted to apply them....not something like 'munchausen's by proxy' etc etc...and yet, aren't they helpful, nowadays?...unless wrongly applied, let us say - see previous notes upon dr carney etc etc....but in the main these 'labels' can be very useful reminders....look at ingabot 'n' ed's children etc etc...children and adults who know that they need help and are then given help to etc etc.......go figure:

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