Wednesday 29 December 2021

 .....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation? about....."the very first vertebrates to move onto land"....go figure:

Biodiversity: The tale of the 'un-extinct' fish - BBC News

Dazzlenation (

let me see....and there is a joke on the timer system...something around reg/regeneration/doctor WHO....remember that royal court play 'my night with reg'...originally titled 'my first night with reg', as far as i know........along with something around dr tony smith....remember 'red balloon' = bloodbag.......go figure:

and there's more.....having watched the full version of that norwegian christmas ad......subtitled: when dr-tony-smith-met-tomlinson in the foyer of etc etc...dressed as father christmas.....there was a throwback memory the late 60s st austell road....smith had given the young tomlinson a present....something that he had stolen from a medical history library...additionally, inga was inside of 2 st austell road...decking out the christmas tree, whilst smith was outside on the pavement, reining up andrew's gang as his mendelson then appeared, down the street...."come away, emily"...he quickly ushered me into his house...but not before i was to hear inga saying..."but we want her for the fairy on the top of the tree" smith's reply "we'll have to use caroline, instead" and so they did...roll on the years, all of which - was to worry toddy immensely...he was to tell caroline hughes "you won't be able to change it...." in order to substitute myself for her....but he might be able to substitute milne for hughes, on the system...."which is what he then tried to do" replies BI online....go figure:

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