Tuesday 28 December 2021

 ....and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?...oh, oh....this is 'his dark materials'....courtesy of crack-cocaine mossad head 'harari'....lol....and yes, sharon had 'introduced' me, all of those years ago now...which is how i know that he had been responsible for that netflix movie 2021....along the lines of....he had had friends in the FBI who had etc etc.....along with a savage satire upon those like caroline milne...let me put it this way - harari...your 'lot' had wanted to get paedophilia into the 'bill of rights' and brenda knew it....why not ask her about it all, then - BI?....oh and not let us even go near that whole 'rigged election call' in that netflix film 2021.....remember - i am forced to identify with those who etc etc....regarding 'capitol hill'...having remembered that mcdonald had used a CIA program to rig the entire election, in order to get biden in (i am somebody who would normally vote 'labour' in the UK or 'democrat' in the US - not to mention having been on the team, that had got obama into office).....who is really against 'democracy' then, eh?...ironically, not the republicans...and calling them 'mad' because they have intuited/rationally deduced/"had inside information" replies BI online....and yes, the whole thing has reminded me of what is going on, in my own life i.e. ingabot's world aka 'oggle boggle' is 'sane' and i am apparently not etc etc....and let us not go even near to how the present UK government has been behaving (peppa pig world, is an ingabot reference) - after whitty had programmed them to etc etc....and yes, dazzlenation...i cannot be bothered to explain any of it, any longer....having been the best mathematician etc etc....things will go, as i had figured that they would do....along certain lines, let us say..no surprises there....although in terms of the globe....lol...well, if '2021' as a film and fiction, is to be believed....everybody has gone 'crazy'...oh and your cartoon, dazzlenation...references the whole 'titan hair' number....regarding real 'red-heads' and their inheritance, let us say - from african origins...additionally, 'flick-fringe' was a reference to a certain hairstyle adopted  by many, at langley seniors..."the first step to cutting off all of your hair" replies BI online....hair as a 'rite of passage'...and as zygote slaves....we were put through such hell, during those years...."not allowed to have your own children"....and yes - the cutting of your hair, is normally associated with getting married, to then have children within a protective environment etc etc....anyway, 'le flick' anybody?....lol.......go figure:

His Dark Materials (TV series) - Wikipedia

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