....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...a note upon the timer system....can you spot stephen's blue car in this netflix series entitled 'private lives'?....lol....go figure:
SteveNE3 (@Ne3Steve) / Twitter
....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...a note upon the timer system....can you spot stephen's blue car in this netflix series entitled 'private lives'?....lol....go figure:
SteveNE3 (@Ne3Steve) / Twitter
....and what page is stephen on, then - dazzlenation?....'nusret salad', anybody?.....see previous posts....go figure:
SteveNE3 (@Ne3Steve) / Twitter
....and what page is wossy/evans/mccallum on, then - dazzlenation?...."look at what i've got!"....hmmm...something around how....when you go looking for your mother....you end up in a search party, looking for you?....lol....go figure:
Jonathan Ross (@wossy) / Twitter
reece shearsmith on Twitter: "Halloween treat!! 🎃 https://t.co/57SeyPZ3uN" / Twitter
....and what else, dazzlenation?....let me see...have you ever joined a 'search party', to then realise that they had been looking for you, all along?....hmmm....isn't that an interesting one?....go figure:
Turkey: 'Missing' man joins search party looking for himself - BBC News
....and what's new upon the BBC site, then - dazzlenation?....go figure:
Danish museum wants artist to pay back money after producing blank canvasses - BBC News
The artist took the money and ran: 'The work is missing half a million' | Culture | DR
let me guess....is one of the themes for this evening....something around 'breaking the bond of trust'?...and well, i was to trust 'cyclemart' bloke, this morning....lol....was i being 'naive'?...we'll see - tomorrow...watch this space:
....and what else, dazzlenation?...lisa had also programmed her son with 'lion'/lie-on fish....remember prince william programmed as the 'lion king' etc etc....go figure:
Deadly lionfish that can paralyse humans found for first time off UK shores (yahoo.com)
...and so let me see....this is all a bit of a 'blast from the past', then - dazzlenation?....lisa as 'salad fingers' etc etc.....and of course, rimington would also want to reboot 'the magic' as they used to call 'the maths', let us say....grasping at straws?....lol....oh and before i forget..something around 'saladin'?....go figure:
お散歩なねこ。-Cats enjoy the outside garden 4.- - YouTube
....anyway, what's new in the mugumogu household, then - dazzlenation?...hmmm...autumn's 'red glaze' perhaps?....go figure:
お散歩なねこ。-Cats enjoy the outside garden 4.- - YouTube
...and now i can finally, remember - dazzlenation....zielinski getting 'that' out of a box....'the old knoll', blackheath - late 60s...to then tell me, with a smile "this isn't for you - it is for the others"...hmmm...did rimington know that i hadn't been included in that particular programming session?....go figure:
Blast From Your Past #3: Mattel's Strange Change Time Machine - YouTube
....anyway, this requires a little more investigation - doesn't it, dazzlenation?....see previous posts....go figure:
Blast From Your Past #3: Mattel's Strange Change Time Machine - YouTube
....oh i just knew that it was something around toddy and 'shrunken heads', dazzlenation....see previous posts - regarding that spoof horror movie etc etc....go figure:
Why are Psychiatrists Called Shrinks? – Frontier Psychiatrist
....."this is a creature from the lost world" dazzlenation...lol.....remember the pen-and-ink programming number....sh-r-ink, anybody?...additionally, 'shrink' is slang for a psychiatrist, now why was that - again?....oh and remember - cathy waldegrave had been programmed as an 'octopus'....see previous post....go figure:
....and yes, i suppose that it is now time to have a look at the 'strange change machine', dazzlenation....is this all about 'shrinking' things?....go figure:
Strange Change Machine - Wikipedia
...let me see.....is this about the 'hussey' connection - dazzlenation?....see previous notes upon the waldegrave tiara/cathy waldegrave's bike/stella rimington aka lady susan hussey etc etc.....go figure:
....and what else is 'new' this thursday morning, dazzlenation?...and well, this is something around daldry again.....and yes, that netflix series 'archer' had been something that he had picked up on.....and in relation to bobby's mob, who had all loved it - watched every episode as if etc etc....who knows, eh? Anyway, the CIA were to have a look at it all and decide that 'zeppelin' plus MI6 'goggles' in relation to guiding a plane down - fitted the bill....lol...go figure.
and what else?....well, 'boys will be boys'...in relation to cycles and bicycles...."make sure he doesn't steal your wheel(s)!" a passerby had quipped, the other day....which i now understand to mean...
....something around the trustworthiness of the 'cyclemart' shop, in clacton.....remember, how i had gone into that shop....circa 2015...to ask about repairs...to then be told that i would NOT be given a receipt or anything in writing, if i were to leave my 'probike' (a 'cameron' number) bicyle, in the shop....naturally, i declined....and was to tell 'crappy' all about it, later on.....who told me that the incident was very interesting indeed...."leave it with me".
....hmmm....anyway, later on, a new 'bicycle shop' was to open upon old road....and i was to trade in my 'probike' for a £45 raleigh bike...because i couldn't afford a new bike and the 'probike' had been a disaster.....anyway, an old raleigh bike in that 'old road' shop - that i had recognised...a real 'blast from the past', let us say....cathy waldegrave's old bike, from exeter....."a much better bike" replies BI online...indeed it was and is....although the brakes now need repairing 2021.....anyway, that 'old road' shop was to close down and so now we only have 'cyclemart' and 'halfords' to choose from, in terms of 'repairs'...go figure.
Roll on the years...and this morning, i was to decide to revisit that 'cyclemart' shop....despite knowing that the owner was a bit of a 'jack-the-lad'....and yes, the same man was still 'in charge'....i was to have a chat with him, at the backdoor of the shop, as he was putting out bikes, in his small forecourt......he was to tell me that repairing the brakes would cost £15 and to come back at 4pm today...i replied "friday morning"...i then asked for a receipt...or some other sort of confirmation...he declined to give me anything in writing...."never have done, never will do"...i then told him a little story about the problem that i had had with a certain computer shop, in clacton....how i had had to go in and get my computer back because i had not been given a receipt....(what i didn't mention - was the following...the fact that i then had a look at the expensive 'anti-virus' program that the shop owner had put on it, let us say....lol)....otherwise he would have stolen it off of me etc etc...and yes, that is the laptop, that 'green tower' i.e. obama et al, had been pissing around with, in terms of an extremely sick 'n' stupid program, that the whole lot of them, had contributed to ('idiot graphics' flashing up etc etc)...which i was then to dispose of, 'effectively' let us say...and yes, MI6 had obtained it, to then realise that i had 'locked it all up'....you get nothing for free, 'tardies' - wake up and 'smell the coffee' etc etc....see previous notes upon 'all of that'.
.....and now let us return to 'cyclemart' this morning....."but you're not like that - are you?" i impressed upon cyclemart bloke, with a smile...not willing to give a receipt, just like 'computer shop' bloke etc etc...a 'test' of sorts', you understand...and so then, i left the bike with him...after having taken a few photos....and left a note in the front-basket of that raleigh bike....reminding him that i would be picking it up, friday morning....so many bikes, in his forecourt, taken out of his 'workshop' - that needed repairs. i.e. how could he possibly remember 'whose was whose'? etc etc..."no notes upon any of them" replies BI online....isn't that 'odd'?...oh and having returned to the scene of the etc etc....i was to note my raleigh bike had been 'locked up' with the rest of them - minus, the note that i had put into the basket, in order to remind the shop-owner of who was going to pick it up, etc etc.........and so what do you make of all of that, dazzlenation?...naturally, i would not expect anybody in their right mind to attempt to steal a secondhand raleigh bike, that had only cost £45, in the first place - from that 'old road' bike shop, which has now closed down......but things are never as they seem, are they?....not whilst being put through a 13th one game etc etc....go figure.
....and what else?....well - first up, 'cyclemart' bloke is doing a roaring trade - so many bikes for repair, outside - as well as those second-hand bikes, out for sale, at the front....and yes, i appreciate that during 'covid' - small businesses are suffering...and therefore might be resorting to doing stuff 'under the table' let us say....."not through the books" replies BI online...except that 'cyclemart' bloke had been pulling that stunt, since 2015 - perhaps longer...despite doing a 'roaring trade' then, as well as now etc etc...undercuting halfords' prices - according to their website, only do olympic medal repair jobs (bronze, silver, gold), starting at £35....'cyclemart's own website, offers the same olympic medal repair jobs system (something to do with legal requirements?)....
....and so anyway, what i find 'odd' about the whole situation is as follows.....the 'old road' cycle shop, had been under intense police scrutiny - during the time that i was to buy cathy waldegrave's 'raleigh bike'.....the owner was to tell me that he had been 'done' previously for selling stolen bikes, beforehand (without his knowledge) and therefore he now had to make a record of every single transaction...including taking the name and address of everybody who had sold him a secondhand bike....such as my 'probike' for example - bought at 'cyclemart'....'they check up every week - go through my records'....hmmm....and so that is what is so odd about it all, dazzlenation....one bike shop is 'put through the mill' by the police i.e. the 'old road' shop, which has since closed down...and the other is allowed to do 'biznez-off-the-books' as much as they like i.e. 'cyclemart'...oh and in relation to the video....the woman-with-a-bike, appeared to be 'on in it'....and that is because whilst 'out of sight' dazzlenation...he was to tell her "the police will be here, soon" - something around an assumption having been made, that i was just a UK 'police dog'?....lol....NOT - if it is my network, 'on the case'.....something/somebody so much worse etc etc....remember 'crappy' and his connections?....US navy rear-admiral etc etc...who knows, eh?...let us just hope that my bike will be returned to me, with the brakes repaired 'properly' and whenever i choose to go back to the shop, eh?....and yes, dazzlenation...that "4pm, this afternoon" number, didn't sound 'good' to me......go figure.
and what else, dazzlenation?...well, donna was to tell me that a very expensive 'mountain' bike - had been stolen from her belle court 'cageroom'....apparently whoever it was - had used wire-cutters or the like, to get into the top of it...who knows what is going on about 'bikes', eh?...donna's - had been expensive etc etc.....go figure: