Tuesday, 8 June 2021

 ....and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, 'carbis bay' is still on the menu....i had hoped that the BBC would report it but they do not appear to have done - either yesterday evening or this morning (or they have buried it somewhere upon their site because i cannot find it upon either their 'homepage' or their 'newspage' online)...and having read that guardian article - see previous post....and figured that sort of thing would normally shock most people....and it horrified me, i might add...boris and his G7 mates - throwing out the homeless in order to accommodate themselves?....what has our society come to etc etc....i then decided to try to remedy the situation - not that i am linked to any governmental 'think tank' nowadays...lol....along the lines of what mcdonald used to say in the CIA lab...."this is the situation - how do we turn it around?".....make lemonade out of lemons etc etc....and so the obvious thing to do....would be to turn it into a win-win situation...whereby the police would not have such a hard time - in relation to protest marches etc etc bearing down on 'carbis bay'.....

....in brief, let's put boris in the spotlight (once again)..."stunt man" replies BI online...sharing a bedroom with one of the homeless....twin beds.....take your whiskey bottle with you and 'lie back and think of england' boris....lol.....and make it a public spectacle, in relation to offering the 'option' to share a twin-bed room, with one of the homeless - to the other G7 members....of course, some might decline but those more socialist/left-inclined members, would probably feel it embarrassing to etc etc..for example, ex-communist party east berliners might accept the challenge.....merkel, for example...to then be interviewed after a night 'in bed with' etc etc...."mein gott!...he ponged!!"....macron might then add "of je ne sais quoi"...to which merkel might counter..."but his views upon world poverty were...." etc etc....what do you think, dazzlenation?

in summary, the high meets the low....they share a twin bedroom together for the night...and the G7 crew shift 'world poverty' up to no 1 upon their agenda....instead of making up more reasons to engage in more wars, in relation to a microsoft 'age of empires' game i.e. a burn, rape 'n' pillage number - in order to secure more resources, globally....go figure.

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