Sunday, 6 June 2021

 ...and what else is 'new' upon my youtube frontpage, this evening - dazzlenation?...let me see...'cleopatra' this the right time to start talking about the 'silver shoes' reference?, a quick summary.....circa 2007...i was asked to channel by a certain saudi/arab network....after having told them that whole mossad/ashkenaton number...was a complete and utter lie, aided and abetted by BI, in order to fool just about everybody, as it turned out (and not just the royal arch freemasons) - into thinking etc etc....anyway, i requested that every radio desk be turned off, within a given that i wouldn't do a 'sue whalley' let us say...and channel a neighbouring radio desk, then believe it to be some god/deity/spirit etc what did i pick up?...a certain noise that sounded a bit like heavy water, gurgling underground...although it most certainly wasn't 'water' intelligence were monitoring the whole process, with their equipment - at the time...they were to label it as a phenomenon....i replied that there was possibly more than one element...'phenomena' causing that etc etc and that i needed another 3 seconds....and yes, i had been properly remoteviewing rather than just casting an eye around the mechanical networks, let us intelligence were to tell me that it was too dangerous but eventually consented....the risk of permanent heart damage/failure etc etc....i went 'down' again and found what had caused that noise....they captured it on screen...almost unbelievable....they had managed to break into what i shall label 'prince phillip/american bankers' network underground i.e. what runs the global cannibal/paedophile so-called 'system' according to oscar et al....go figure:

Movie: Cleopatra (1912) - YouTube

and there's more...i had helped the saudi family before....see previous notes upon the network that used to breeze through one of their palaces...that whole 'foreign toilet' affair....and so, to cut a long story - short....they were to trust me, a second time....and after the successful completion of that 'under the pyramid' operation - see above...much more work had to be done...and so it was best to go into 'memory dump', in order to keep safe - at the time...although i needed a memory aid...a reminder...."buy me silver shoes...doesn't matter what type....size 7 or 40 (EU)....monopoly favourite piece was the silver shoe"....i was then bought the most expensive silver shoes, in cairo....later on, back in the MI imperial hotel, jerusalem...they were taken away from me and by sharon, i might add....who had been 'compromised' let us say....."too expensive for you!" etc etc...go figure.

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