Sunday, 6 June 2021

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, back to the 'screaming tinnitus' saga....along with donna walking a man's dog, this morning....a dog called "cobby" according to donna....who could remember what the man had told us, so many years ago - now....that he was a 'goblin' number..."call me cobby" etc etc....cobby and the cobwebs....additionally, the man had looked a bit like the dog, according to donna....oh and it had liked up, his computer was 'one of those' that accepted frequency tapes....hence the screaming tinnitus number.....and where was the location of that computer? far as i can remember - it was above those buildings towards the end of the high street, just past sainsbury' upper room above the petshop, perhaps? any rate, the front windows of the flat looked out onto what used to be a computer accessories shop, upon the other side of the road...and the man had been spying upon that shop, for some reason...go figure.

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