Saturday, 10 October 2020,-0.0121606,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNgSnsGebG9wxxyMQONzQ12vUrqXlXIYPk0xP5e!2e10!3e12!!7i800!8i1067!4m8!1m2!2m1!1spreedy+blackheath!3m4!1s0x487604ea6027011d:0x5a16ee33ac1dea78!8m2!3d51.4614559!4d-0.011788

and yes, this is something around caroline, again - dazzlenation...her father had apparently been russian - according to toddy...anyway - whilst at dartington, she had no memories of her early life - in blackheath...and so toddy was to suggest to her that she ask me what i could remember, at dartington...without me realising that she had been 'the' caroline, who had been friends with sophie fishwick etc etc...all behind my per usual....everybody used to want to keep me in the dark, for some reason....and so yes, i had told caroline hughes all about 'caroline-at-all-saints' even though i had no idea, that she was 'one and the same'...oh and she didn't admit to it, either...odd that i didn't recognise her but then she had changed quite a bit and if she had been, then she would have said - wouldn't she? etc etc...and so how was i to know?....and what else?...well, i can remember now, had been gilbert and friends (ex-boyfriend - see previous notes upon 'life in a northern town') who had put together the memory aids, regarding the migration museum and in relation to caroline's early life....remember caroline had gone to a 'psychic' at dartington...who had told her that she had been russian, in a former life...that she had had a sister and that she could play the balalaika....caroline was to say that she could remember it all...whilst not being able to remember anything about all saints primary etc etc...isn't that odd?...anyway, there must have been so many of us - in the same predicament...see previous notes upon toby macklin, for example...who couldn't remember anything before 4 years old (same as myself) or mcdonald...who couldn't remember anything before 11 years old - until the CIA lab began to 'dig deep' in order to find out etc etc....go figure:

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