Saturday 31 October 2020

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, the BBC recommends having a look at your local council website for details concerning the latest COVID etc etc...let me see...tendring must be getting quite a few calls....more than usual, nowadays...go figure:

....hmmm...what's the royal warrant etc etc....oh and i've never heard of the 'sausage festival' before....despite having lived in harwich:

....apparently they specialise in uniforms...i suppose that would relation to it being a 'royal warrant' number, dazzlenation...and the worst case, scenario - mcdonald?....let us hope that they do not issue a new uniform, for say - covid marshalls...who are then given the powers of 'arrest' in terms of a 'royal warrant' etc and look at what's on the rail....reminds me of a jacket that lady di had once worn:

anyway, having read the editorial of the latest edition of NEXUS, dazzlenation....they appear to have hit it on the head...something around how the elite 2% of the global population are now intent upon destroying the business middleclasses...shades of a soviet NWO by the backdoor...the middle-classes always go first...floating down the river etc etc....and yet, again i am forced to ask the question...why hasn't the government ploughed their 'untold billions' spent on 'fur/fir-lough'....into the NHS in order to cope with the extra load (ergo - no need for 'lockdowns' if the NHS can cope etc etc)...instead of paying their unquestioningly obedient MKultra royal slaves etc etc....and then what?...for my own part...having been cast out of that 'keeping-up-with-the-jones' point of fact, having ended up on 'benefits' - regarding my so-called 'delusions' am now beneath the 'working classes'....however, it actually feels like sitting on top of an ever-expanding shit-heap/rubbish dump...the fool on the hill...with a frontrow seat upon it all....overlooking the whole 'idiot children' circus....and so let's have a look at the sausage throwing event, dazzlenation...why not?...because it's all a laugh, nowadays...i mean to say...from my perspective - what else can one do but laugh?

oh i see....i was to leave harwich in 2008...and so the whole thing began after i had left etc etc...sounds like something that petrol nell might have come up with...let me scan for details...and yes, she had put it to CID mcgowan 'n' lisa's son, whilst etc etc....along with something to do with the 'hanover'....go figure:

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