Saturday 31 October 2020

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, i think that we need to delve into the whole 'troika' number, a little bit more - here...remember - this is where petrol nell had originally begun - after her gymnast career had gone pear-shaped etc etc...having formerly been run by putin...she had then refused to obey his orders in terms of a 'recall' and proceeded to start to takeover BI (eventually ended up running 'buller' at MI6)...making alliances, as she went...with those like biden, let us say...oh and we also need to mention the soviet element, regarding 'soviet generals' ...a threat which has never really gone away....see previous posts....go figure:

NKVD troika or Special troika (Russian: особая тройка), in Soviet history, were the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD which would later be the beginning of the KGB) made up of three officials who issued sentences to people after simplified, speedy investigations and without a public and fair trial.

in short, petrol nell's version of her relationship to CID mcgowan 'n' lisa's son etc etc...troika by perov and yes, she had chosen the following pic etc etc...although, dazzlenation...there were others who had configured the relationship, rather differently?...perhaps more figure:!Large.jpg

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