and what do you think of the 'helenodora', dazzlenation?....see previous post:
oh i's figure.
and what do you think of the 'helenodora', dazzlenation?....see previous post:
oh i's figure.
and whatever, the following image might have been used for...and as far as i can remember - it had been associated with the zygote slavery trade and in relation to eggs/caviar/the oval etc's ghastly....go figure:
not forgetting the 'pair of claws' dazzlenation....see previous post....go figure:
and what about the 'worm', dazzlenation...have you got anything for 'that'?...see previous posts....go figure:
First known specimen of Eoperipatus totoro, Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam, 24 November 2000
let me guess...something around what might have crawled out of the 'primordial soup'?..either that or something 'terrible' in terms of genetic modification...go figure:
The generic name Eoperipatus is derived from an Ancient Greek combining form of ēṓs, meaning "dawn", and peripatos, meaning "walking about". The specific name totoro was requested by the collectors of the first specimen, who were reminded of the caterpillar-like Catbus from the Japanese animated film My Neighbor Totoro.
....anyway, there's another interesting link, here - dazzlenation...and so let me guess...robert had taken an interest in genealogy, then?....oh i remember what this is all about, now...robert might have seen a likeness to a certain meerdervoort etc etc but it was 'ben-gee' who had been the real descendent, let us say....see previous notes upon ruth stredwick's-first-'crush' at all saints primary etc etc..."the fox" replies BI online....go figure:
and what else is 'new'?...let me the light of a recent article about cows attacking dogs and people, upon the BBC site, dazzlenation....although the article itself, was filed you think that the following was 'wise'?
oh wait a minute....this is another one from obama's team - isnt it?...'cuyp' anybody?
...and so in an alternate universe, dazzlenation...we're still looking at who is in charge of the 'horses'?....let me guess...obama's team appear to be arguing that trump doesn't hold the reins of...whore-sis?....see previous notes upon trump 'n' the middleton sisters etc etc....go figure:
additionally, a little bird tells me that you had wanted a reminder of the following cuyp pic, dazzlenation...'why' i have no idea, as yet:
you might ask robert about all of seriously, he had apparently had a DNA test, at one point...the result of which....showed a huge diversity of etc etc from east to west...the european factor, being dutch..."dutch slave-traders" replies BI online...go figure:
and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...i see...and well, it is a hop, skip and a jump through the following, then....go figure:
Velpeau was amazed, saying "On the subject of ether, that it is a wonderful and terrible agent, I will say of chloroform, that it is still more wonderful and more terrible".
oh and was it the eldest taschmann who had given rickson that 'mallard duck' number, dazzlenation?....crossed with something on marr's twitter site, this evening....regarding children-asking-attenborough-questions....his favourite dinosaur was etc etc....a large winged flying one...something around buller and her aztec/mi6/winged-serpent number....go figure:
and what else, dazzlenation?...'choose ur favourite'....oh dear, are we back to jacqui carroll and in relation to rimington 'n' roz's so-called prophecy, at dartington?....if so....are you telling me that BI had asked toby macklin to rate various a sliding scale?....see previous posts....go figure:
...anyway, what have maru 'n' hana been up to recently, then?...maru's been appears to be one big quest, in relation to finding the most comfortable place in which to etc etc....go figure:
and this evening...'little misfortune' (let me get the title right) is the first item upon my youtube frontpage, dazzlenation....see previous post....go figure:
and what page is robert on, then?...let me see....48 again....a bit like toby, i suppose....hmmm...all a bit peter pan...what's wrong with stating your true age, andrew?...because you don't seem to have a problem with it...hasn't done you any harm, has it?...but maybe that is because your profession is slightly different and it doesn't matter if etc etc....go figure:
and what page is andrew on, today - then, dazzlenation?....go figure:
...and what else?...let me see...i think that andrew had most probably wanted a reminder of 'macklin' rather than 'macclesfield', dazzlenation....and yes, this is all a bit deja vu....toby macklin - brother of richard tomlinson...and yes, BI had asked toby what might be useful to etc etc and in relation to what his brother had got up to, so many years ago - now....go figure:
and what else, dazzlenation?....that device looks rather like something that rickson used to own...made the sound of a mallard duck...oh and there is also a 'kalamazoo' reference, here...something around the computer company that helen browne used to work relation to eliza manningham-buller and her 'llama' outfit....see previous posts....go figure:
oh and what is the HPB witch's pool all about, dazzlenation?....because nothing is showing up on the map...additionally there is a loch called 'broom'...anyway, i 'know' what this is all about, now...shades of what tomlinson had got up to at essex, all of those years ago....and yes, i can remember the red crocheted 'monkey' that hanni had given me....tomlinson had fitted it with a tracking that CF would know where to find me...i then gave it to previous posts....go figure:
and what's new this tuesday evening, dazzlenation?....people and their pets...along with 'rabbat'...let's see what i've got to match....go figure:
blairgowrie had the most impressive aurora photo....and yes, this is something around rickson et al at essex....allison strachan, perhaps?...cargill's leap, anybody?...go figure:
and what page is robert on, then?...'family films'....and let me see what's on the timer system....a 'katie noonan' cover of gnarls barkley's song 'crazy' and so how does that tie up - as part of the clump, that is coming up - this evening, dazzlenation?...see previous post....go figure:
looks like a college environment, doesn't it?
and so to cut a long story, short - the following what you are looking for?
and what page is andrew on this evening, then?...'a mars bar and a croissant'....hmmm....let me andrew hinting at a harwich location?....let me guess...something around what had happened in 1980 at that former harwich school building?....go figure:
and what else, dazzlenation?...well, remember that harwich ferry...the one that i had figured would have problems in choppy waters etc etc....go figure:
and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?...let me see...and all i've got to 'match' is gooflumps....go figure: