Saturday, 1 December 2018

...and what's new this evening?..."the tiguan r-line" replies BI ONLINE...having just spotted an IV/losey transmission....regarding a car ad....where the car is driving 'diagonally'....IV had told brian to 'drive like that'...all one big metaphor - which MI5 have to work out...."the Templars are useless" mean younger and co?....well, daldry appears to have led them astray...telling them that they will eventually find the 'backdoor' keys to the galileo system....which they will NOT do....they would be far better to follow the cue of US intelligence and mr putin....both of whom, appear to have homed in on a certain Russian mob....remember evil little jooish mouse's father at the paris school?...same Russian mob as that evil jooish EF boss in Jakarta......go figure.

....and there's more as there invariably is....along the lines of a 'revenge attack' upon Clacton....starting with the library....ling's radio witches have coded it out....resulting in a notice upon the doors on the groundfloor....something around an all-day meeting to be held upon the first-floor....on Tuesday?....the nature of the meeting is not disclosed....and they fear that it will be gatecrashed by the IV/losey mob....and what else?....well, Sainsbury's of course....Tuesday night...

and what else?...remember the 'sly-sees'?....the prague Rothschild team can 'see' losey et al....whereas others do not appear to be able to see them coming....'ghosts' upon the system.....caroline hughes was to work it all out....losey must have been French intelligence....he hadn't just hacked on through in order to use their communication networks - see previous notes....which rather complicates the issue....younger was to tell BI to 'narrow it down' and lose the 'soviet' reference...McDonald and Caitlyn's research...which had revealed a more important detail....a Russian-mob-at-work....and so what is younger up to...regarding that 'cover-up'?

....and what else?...well, finally....I begin to understand why, US intelligence were not able to 'see' losey upon that naked cycling rally - see previous notes upon standing outside of Clacton library, 2015 etc etc in order to take then use Sainsbury's keypad to get in the 'backdoor' to the 'ranch'.....US intelligence has since moved on from that particular 'hideout'....anyway, you might ask lisa about her connection to mr zielinski at ESA, in paris....if he is still alive, that is....oh and I think that it is the 'sheen' of icing, that you were actually looking at - NASA....the remains of what lisa had had upon her plate (which she had entitled 'the remains of the day')...anyway, most people aren't that fond of icing....go figure:

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