Saturday 30 September 2017

....and in relation to 'power of attorney'....this webpage contains some interesting information....and yes, I was given an 'advocate' at peter bruff....but not given an explanation of the short, 'advocate' suggested 'legal advisor' to myself....I was then told that it meant more 'advisor'....'somebody who knows the system'....and she was as helpful as she could be - not that I needed any help, filling in various forms in order to re-apply for benefits...what was her name, again?...I've got it down, somewhere...and yes, I still have all of the paperwork, relating to that time 'just in case'....see previous notes upon what a crook - cronshy had turned out to be....along with that so-called 'appeal' panel....see previous notes upon MI5 finding a nasty 'stain' on the floor...human faeces....left by the ra cult man 'in charge' of the proceedings etc etc...not to mention the CID cctv of the actual 'act' taking place...and the camera that cronshy and co, had tampered with...thinking that the whole thing would therefore not be filmed....ha ha ha....go figure.

oh and 'advocat' means 'lawyer' in catalan...and I wonder now...about 'rob' as 'avocado-man'....see previous notes....

...anyway, look at this...they could section you for just about anything, couldn't they?...only yesterday I was reading about how 1 in 6 people in the UK, is now suffering from some 'mental health' problem (a BBC article)....and that could be depression etc etc....

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