Wednesday 27 September 2017

what else?...remember that song we used to sing, as children - marr, lisa and know the had been used by the old knoll crew to signify 'soul dust'...that sparkly stuff (silvery gold)...."my old man's a dustman, he wears a dustman's hat - he wears gorblimey trousers and what d'you think of that?"...the men were all to sing it to us, children - in unison.....afterwards, Richard harris was to say that it had proved to be more popular than he had thought...because most of the children, had loved the whole show....

...and for ever afterwards, upon this side of the mirror...I was to puzzle....along the lines of 'but they don't collect dust in those bins, do they' why are they called dustmen, daddy? etc etc....oh and you might also refer to the 'dust' in that Pullman trilogy....go figure.

the dustman's hat....go figure:

oh and might like to try one of the eldest taschmann's chosen word for anagrams/memory aids....CORTISONE.

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