Saturday 29 April 2017

one shouldn't judge from just one photo...but that looks ever so 'staged' doesn't it?....see previous notes:

what else?...a major grammar blunder?

are we back to a certain 'weed' - dazzlenation/McDonald?

hmmm...something that the VAF had been smoking, no doubt...see previous notes upon Sonia's laughing gas attack whilst teaching an English class at the university of Silesia....a student had told her "I weed in the garden - every sunday"....on the whole, the class were not amused by Sonia's reaction...and so I don't suppose that they would be amused if the VAF were to point out to them..."that's us" on weed...above the houses of parliament....go figure:

anyway, the anagram word for today, CONGENIAL....and in relation to what 'firey bear' had been up to (CLOG NINE A)...rather like the VAF playing 'space invaders' i.e. utilising military lines...or rather frequency programs to shoot at their targets...sound/wave warfare....anyway, other anagrams included....CLONE INGA....CONGA LINE....CIA LONE 'N'....NOG-LAN-ICE (referring to CF)....I COLE GANN....GLEAN ICON....GLEAN COIN...A LONG CINE...GONNAL ICE....NICOLE NAG....LECON INGA...LO ICE GANN....CON-GAL-IN-E.....CON-LAG-I.E.-N...etc etc....
what else? well I was also to remember telling lisa that if she wanted to 'cheat'...then to use words beginning with 'con' in that old, dark blue dictionary....see previous notes upon that book, turning up at the prague DTO....anyway, I was to have a look at certain entries last night....having remembered what the VAF had programmed with in shanghai 2003:
to then remember CON-CESS-ION....
CON-CER-TO.......CONNIVE...'CON-HIVE'.....CONNIVERE - to shut the eyes....a reference to a lake district location CONISTON....where MI6 'blindman's stick' programming had gone on and in relation to photos that sue walker and I, had taken....of the vivid colours of a setting sun over the a dark, almost black thunderstorm brewed, over the mountain...the vibrant colours were to remind me of that pre-Raphaelite painting in the b'ham art gallery....
what else? relation to conning lisa?...along with CONGENER....CONGENITAL....CONGERIES....CONGERERE....(CONGA EEL?).....CONGLUTINATE.....CONJUNCTIVA....etc etc...

hmmm...and somebody has made an attempt at 'vivid colours' in the photo below....go figure:
....however, what we had taken...was more like 'this sort of thing' (see below) and far more dramatic....the film then disappeared - because the programmers had figured that it would be perfect for programming with...go figure:


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