Thursday 27 April 2017

...oh and 'emma' is reminding me of kate wood....the cartoon version....or would that be khartoum version?

....block of wood was to decide to quote Sappho in the prague DTO staffroom, now and then...whilst making overtures to MI5 toby's girlfriend-of-the-time...seeing as she couldn't quite get a hold on toby...she had decided to attach herself to his wife-to-be....go figure:


and having scrolled down 'quite a bit'...I was to realise that block of wood had had quite a thing about 'pigeons'...I wonder why?...go figure:

oh and apart from being able to track and trace her entire 'wrathful hound' network from this site....I should also mention what had brought me to search for it, in the first place...that 'greek stanza' sixth sense was picking up on 'something not right'....a mistranslation....however I couldn't copy it from dazzlenation's site...but I was able to do so from 'Emma's site....I then fed it back into google come up with a rather different version...go figure:
and so where did block of wood get the following translation from, then? let me guess...MI5 jon?...go figure:

i do not love a tall general nor a prancer
nor one delighting in tresses nor close-shaven;
show me someone short and bandy-legged,
walking on steady feet, brimming with heart.

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