Monday, 27 June 2016

last night, I watched LOVE AND MERCY to remember McDonald talking about how brian had been the first important 'find' relation to having taken LSD and 'contacted God' whatever that might mean...and with his CIA hat, on...I would guess that McDonald had been talking about the JUPITER/JUNO network...go figure...

anyway, there was a tie-up to that LEEDS address given, yesterday...for gill's former laptop...see previous notes and posts...

looking for the 'vegetable tapes'? a mark r type was overheard to say that it had been "too easy" and yes Inga had left something in that box...go figure...oh and in relation to the photocopier (used to 'get' dr landy in the film) - somebody was asking for the keys to the photocopier in Clacton library...a woman-with-a-clip-board....the information officer obeyed immediately, without question...go figure...

what else? heather kempson's published piece of work.....was to come up today...and in relation to 'guess where'? warwick of course...go figure:

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