Wednesday 29 June 2016

...and so what was to happen this morning, then?
well i had a walk up rosemary road west...a woman in 'SIS' gold/black/silver was to pass me...she had a 'ball to bounce' let us say...later on, whilst walking up station road to the HSBC cashpoint...i was to pass a woman in 'similar colours' who had been in the local MI5 station (ling's boss)- that had been told to 'cover it all up'...she, also...had a 'ball to bounce'...her 'overlord' as she used to call him...who had given the order to cover up the whole ipswich murders affair...and well, i was to pass him by..her 'overlord' i was walking down station road towards the fountains...tallish, blue-eyed, white-haired man....who passed me by upon my right...go figure.
next up...i was to have a walk around clacton prom/gardens - with my CANON pick up a worrying signal...but from whom? the signal relayed on....that the IRA had been behind all of it...and that two people would signal to me that i would have my hip dislocated if i talked about any of it...two people then walked by me...both - were to touch one of their hip bones, as they passed by....not the side of their hips but 'near to the joint'....
the marines' network then 'kicked in' to guide me through it....they had intercepted an RAF signal and deciphered 'the whole lot' then tell me "the RAF"...well, yes....early MI5/MOD pioneers - those like 'andy' and 'alistair barnes' had investigated - see previous then find out that the RA cult had had it's HQ in the RAF.....
anyway, having walked through the 'garden of the senses' see a few 'changes' let us terms of 'decor'....
i was then to pick up on what the marines were calling the 'jupe' network....a couple of men walking down the prom...."two RAF members" replies MI5 ONLINE....i have no idea whether they have ever worked for the RAF, or not...all i know is that they were 'jupiter network entities'....working for the british 'norwegian intelligence' crown....see previous notes upon that scottish golf course....and two ex-british army ill cult programmers and a 'third man' who wasn't linked to the army at all...
...and farrage might now wonder...what sort of 'hell-hole' he has woken up in...not that i think that farrage is a 'bad man' at all...farrage had wanted to break into that 'circle of power' that would not allow the 'ordinary-man-or-woman-in-the-street' a real vote.....and he had done so...using 'mental michael'....see previous notes...the best radio-man out (nobody else had been available)...even though 'mental michael' had been barking mad - and since his all saints, blackheath....see previous notes upon the 'pink fluffy handcuffs' in his the pub, in which he was to meet farrage and his mates etc etc...
all saints school, eh?....andrew marr, colin farrell....jonathan ross (for a short while) you see how it goes?
oh and langley seniors...not just 'phil hawker' the footballer...but professor roberto cipolla, robert webb etc etc...
"illuminated circles" replies BI ONLINE...well, you know how the ill like to 'grow' human beings - in certain circles? "at least you weren't all vegetables"....well, not all of us...but the likes of ingabot, certainly had been...go figure.
...and you wonder why i keep a safe distance from my family, nowadays?....whilst keeping up the whole 'happy families' facade that my mother continuously 'ringfences' around the whole lot....because if i didn't - she might accuse me of 'not keeping in contact' and attempt to have me sectioned again (becoming a 'loner', a 'recluse' and therefore 'dangerous') you see how it goes?....accused of being a 'recluse' who doesn't communicate with anybody....when quite the opposite, is the case....
you see it was my mother who had admitted to me - that she had had me sectioned, for a month, whilst i was living in harwich...and for what?....being vocal about what the ill cult mob around me - was doing to me...'outing' everything upon my blog-at-the-time - whilst responding to those ill cult phonecalls/letters/emails...
....oh and to make matters worse....PC green (on the marines' network) had been part of the police 'clown act' duo, who were then arrest me, in order to take me to 'a place of safety' upon the order of that criminal 'social worker' and deadhead ex-MOD psychiatrist (the one who couldn't remember what he had last said - every single time - braindead, basically and run by networked chip)....go figure.
"bobby's mob at work"....let me then have all of my human rights taken away from me, for a be then forcibly prescribed a 'brain-destroying drug'....and no, not like '1984' and george orwell, MI5....far more like soviet russia and solyenitzen.....not 1984...because the drug prescribed...OLANZAPINE...had been designed to kill off your brain and body...and 'carney' was to prescribe it for me, in 2008...carney - a man who looked far more like a banker than a psychiatrist, in anybody's book - in relation to my first meeting with him, imprisoned upon 'peter bruff ward' - carney was to turn up in 'diamond studs' within his earlobes and a pin-striped suit....
...oh and another note...carney had been 'present'...played a role in my young life.....but not in relation to myself...let me explain...'carney' used to play at being a psychiatrist....lots of the ill, love to play at being 'somebody important' in a medical profession and carney was no different i.e. he had joined my mother's EMU (public health epidemiological society) in the 80s....having been 'put in' to do so by norwegian intelligence - in order to look after ingabot and not make sure that 'ingabot' could be passed off as 'normal'...go figure.
what else? let us return to the subject of that drug - OLANZAPINE.......'to be forcibly administered' upon peter bruff ward...and so what can i conclude about MI5?....because it was the CIA who had rescued me 'from it all' in the end...go figure....
....presumably MI5 and 'whoeveritwas' -those had been 'in charge' at the time...had figured that they now knew - circa 2008 - all that they had previously thought, that they might need to know...after my 'fact-finding trip' in jerusalem...go figure.
"it was not to be" - well not for those who ran MI5 at that point in time - what else can i say?...because i am still alive and well...and 'outing them all' for the whole lot...
....oh and i might mention the following, in, as i was walking out of M& of the assistants was to comment upon the 'SIBERIAN WIND' that was blowing, outside....not accurate - only a mild breeze....but then i would suppose that....perhaps, she had talking about something else?...siberia...solyenitzen...and the romanov family....
oh i remember now.....a young caroline hughes lookalike....that 'romanov number' reference...wheeling somebody-in-a-wheelchair around the corner of agate road into marine parade.....the young woman had looked so much like a young caroline hughes...see previous notes upon what caroline hughes used to do for the french 'aristocracy' or should i say 'elite' - see previous notes upon that 'prince of monaco' party - which was to result in the CIA LAB jumping into a fountain, within the grounds of that palatial building....and lady diana, turning up on the stone staircase down to the say "oh yah...."  - to then 'get us off the hook' as just a bunch of clowns.... (and yes, she also been present - after her supposed death-in-the-tunnel)....
let me get back to this morning...let me see....additionally, i was to have a look at my bank account 'statement' in the HSBC, this morning...and guess what?...the song upon the tannoy system...was "nobody does it better" - that old james bond was to make me smile...because MI6 has not being doing it 'better' than anybody else, so my book....they are all 'lacking' let us say....and in every possible way....along with the rest of them....go figure.
anyway, thinking more upon farrage and 'mental michael'...yes i can see why he had had to use order to break into a 'circle of power' that was not available to your 'man or woman upon the street'.....
but 'mental michael' was poisonous and so are his broadcasts...anybody tracked him down yet?
"pink fluffy handcuffs" replies MI5 ONLINE....well, you're on the mark, there...
on mark r's mark, to begin with....
because this is what the pentagon had known about such 'individuals'...normally within their own service but 'elsewhere' nowadays...if you know what i mean....
remember how mark r had had his 'switch switched' from pleasure to pain?
mark r loved to 'put on the headphones' and play at being 'john malkovitch' let us say....
there were those, who had also done the above...for example - during PKW/robert webb's foray into being a 'filmstar' bollock naked - with 'no censorship of his private bits'....and why, you might ask?
....because a true 'arbiter' of 'that sort of thing'....and that was the term substituted for the french title of 'mr'....
....a true 'arbiter' might enjoy feeling 'the exactitude' of webb's 'pain and shame'....and not necessarily because they were an extreme 'masochist' themselves...far from it...these people used to don the headphones in order to find out whether or not their punishment of a certain individual had had the desired 'effect'.....a virtual reality way, of understanding 'the rewards of revenge'...if you get my meaning.
...and RAF ill cult members...walking down the prom, today...we've all got our headsets on...ha ha ha....go figure.
anyway, what was today, all about? it was about seeing the ill cult pyramid from top to bottom....and at the top it ended up with the illuminati cult being within the BRITISH given orders by the british 'norwegian intelligence' monarchy....
and you now wonder why....farrage...."i'm turning norwegian, i really think so....." remember that popsong - "i'm turning japanese, i really think so"...well, haven't times changed?...but not for the better, i might add....
what are you going to do, farrage?
it is all a bit of a 'maze' isn't it?...have you led us all down the wrong path?
....have we now ended up on norway's doorstep....and in the words of one 'online commentator-from-the-noticeboards' in PRIVATE EYE's running gag....have we all ended up as a potential  'i_pay_but_have_no_say' country?
is that where you want to take us, farrage?....because if it isn''d better think quickly....about the whole thing.
remember the 'madness' of CIA caitlyn?...."it's the norwegians"....go figure.
...oh and remember the ill cult within japanese military...well, let's pose the question - who might have been behind them? my vote goes to mcdonald's 'instinctive response' to check out the singaporeans (and their masters), beforehand...go figure.
singapore?...."i know the chef" bogan wasilewski was to tell me....1994....the chinese restaurant above U BELGA.....singaporean..."he doesn't speak english"...although he spoke polish...and russian....the rest of the staff were not chinese, it turned out....but 'looked like it' to the wealthy poles....who flocked to that had to book in advance...the most popular restaurant in katowice, at the time....

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