....and this morning, i was to take a walk through clacton prom gardens...to come to the memorial of PC dibell - in the sensory garden, again....and this time around..all of the other 'adornments' had been removed (two ra cult smugglers - green and abrahms, had been 'in charge' of putting in those symbolic articles - although green was to hear the call of the marines and 'turnover a new leaf' later on)...to leave only a 'white birch' stump adornment....green and abrahms had told the family something to the effect of 'you are the birds upon the tree' but that wasn't entirely true, was it? in short - it had meant something 'different' to the ra cult....go figure.
and so...let me see....the stump with two 'glasses' in the trunk...presumably 'lights' at night....i have never been through clacton prom gardens at night and so i have no idea what that ornament might look like when 'lit up'...although presumably you would be somewhat blinded by the lights, in relation to being unable to see the birds-upon-the-stump?...let me think....that depends upon the voltage of the bulbs involved...doesn't it?....is something being signalled here?....the bulbs can either light up the 'sculpture' and memorial behind - or they can hide it....in relation to the 'intensity of light'...go figure....and so the next question is...what bulbs have been put in...and what is the power source?....presumably either solar power or batteries - as it appears to be a 'stand-alone' object....
what else was to happen this morning? well not much really...a trip to sainsbury's...i was to note a black woman projecting 'petrol nell' for some reason...but not in a negative way...she was sending off 'mixed messages' in terms of clothing, for example (having chosen a top that was something like a certain 80s design pattern...as seen upon the 'woman-who-saves-brian-wilson' - a bit like that st john cult 'head-on-a-plate' flowers but not - and soooo.... is everything 'in flux' today, then?) ...as if petrol nell's satanic princess network had had 'second thoughts' about the whole thing....go figure.
"don't believe a word of it" replies MI5 ONLINE...yes, i can remember daldry and ling...having similar thoughts but for different reasons...within this stage of my 13th one ill cult game...i.e. none of them were to be trusted...whether they had 'turned over a new leaf' or not....believe me - i never had a moment's doubt about that one...none of them are to be trusted...until the whole ill cult system comes down, that is...and they have nothing - to back up their 'evil' with - because then, and only then - will a true 'change of heart and mind' come...go figure.
...and so the ill had used pc dibell's memorial...in order to spread more of their....(fill in the blanks)? well, yes the ill had done...so far - so normal....."the use and abuse of symbols within the ra cult" replies BI ONLINE...and so what his family and friends might have seen as having been given their own personal meanings....well what can i say? but that the ra cult had been at work...adding different interpretations and 'horrors' to those meanings...go figure.
...and it all takes me back to sev's funeral....solihull, in the early 80s....matt hewlett had bought helen browne an ornamental bird....from a garden centre....he had placed it with the 'gifts' on her father's sideboard, in their family home....he hadn't told her that it was from him....browne was then to point it out to her 'gang'...laughing as she did so...."who bought THAT?" etc etc....it looked a bit like a large thrush - ceramic...really quite heavy...cemented to a 'clump' of earth and grass. helen browne and her family and friends had asked for a 'small bird' to be put upon sev's gravestone....to symbolise sev's love of the song 'freebird'...in point of fact, it had been played at his funeral. "fly on proud bird - you are free now"....to then find a thrush cemented to a clump...back at her parents' house...okay, so you know the rest of it...if you have been reading my blog for so many years....sev wasn't really dead...another one of those 'faked funerals' etc etc...that both scarlett and rimington were so fond of....see previous notes.
...but that is the wrong message to give out to the family - isn't it? the cruellest message of all...i.e. that perhaps pc dibell is still alive but has joined scarlett's 'afterlife'....and so it is best to leave it at that...and to draw no connections or conclusions, at all.
....and the inference is...'somebody who had been murdered - because he had protected the royal mint'? go figure....
I would guess that the 'royal mint' is the issue or 'main theme' today, then....
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
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