....so what was to happen this morning?
well after having watched quite a number of the iplayer tv programmes that i had mentioned yesterday, upon my blog...the ones that stood out immediately (although they are all important in some way)...are as follows:
that episode number 6 of THE LIVING AND THE DEAD...both CF and i had been programmed with it...which goes some way to explain 'what had happened at acorn villages ltd in 2004' and why - see previous notes upon another attack upon my person...suffice to say i had been programmed as the modern mother...he had been programmed as the 'ghost'....and i can see that a lot of others, had also been programmed with that particular series, in general...remember the red/white spotted bandana photo = drugged reference?...and after having watched the ending of episode 6...i was to catch a glimpse of that mayfair ukrainian gang at work...taking revenge upon CF for the supposed 'murder' of his criminal ex-wife (and they'd caught me up in the whole net, too - go figure)....see previous notes.
the next couple of items that i was to watch...were two GOGS episodes...to then watch that 'army stories' episode....what was the title of the series, again? anyway, it was to bring back so many memories of a sort of S STATION encounter - see previous notes...in scotland...that army base, mentioned yesterday....the scottish BI team had found out what was going on....and after fully understanding the reality of the situation...they went to work so fast...to get rid of 'whoever had been running that base' under false pretences....and as far as i know - it was an entirely successful operation.
...and how do the two GOGS episodes fit in? well i had detected mcdonald's network behind one of them...seeing as MI5 jon had been part of that network, for example etc etc (my initial response to the visual joke/connection to random house....alyssa and bali - see previous notes as to 'why')...but i appear to have been wrong....yes, the production team had incorporated "we're going to rain upon your parade" into that episode, a CIA reference - see previous notes....and 'dark blue' was to be the theme, today - around and about town (storm clouds)...a theme adopted by the scottish masons, as far as i know ("wear something blue but much darker than your normal sky-blue")...as well as anybody else involved in getting to the bottom of all of this...in terms of getting rid of that hideous mkultra cult....
anyway, i was so grateful to that scottish team for having thought up those two GOGS episodes...because the humour - took me right back 'up again' - from a rather 'dark place' let us say....and that is because after having watched all of those tv programmes-on-iplayer-that-BI-had-watched-and-been-programmed-with-so-many-years-ago-now....
having got to...and then watched (and this is going backwards - in sequential order - in terms of those iplayer tv programmes, i was to note on my blog, yesterday) that THE LIVING AND THE DEAD episode, before watching GOGS....and yes, it had been a deeply depressing day, yesterday...i had had my period, at the time but that was the least of it...those scars coming up on my leg again - and all of those dreadful memories (and more were to come - i won't mention all of it, i just need to get the bare bones, down)....I was in physical 'distress'....a slight blurring of my left eye, in terms of seeing things at a distance (it happens when i am tired and stressed), the 'tic' upon one side of my face, that wouldn't go away....something of a high temperature, that afternoon....which was to subside by the evening...as did the 'facial tic'....and well, yesterday i had simply felt as if the sky had fallen upon my head....but that i simply had to 'get through it'...which i then did...and thinking about it now...perhaps the sky had fallen upon my head...but no, it wasn't the sky, was it? it was the entire f***ing planetary system of the ill cult - wasn't it?
'sarah' had seen what i had seen - and that was a godsend....and as she was to tell me privately, at the time - without pat andrew knowing (pat had been on a different planetary network)...'sarah' had been on the same 'pluto/hades' network..."i can see what you see and i know"...the pluto network that had been accorded to obama, by the japanese military....the 'hell' network....the one that 'little gill' had been on...when he was taken to meet the 'god of the underworld' in london....having been knocked unconscious and put into a tiny coffin, in the back of a victorian-looking hearse....the ill love the 'dress things up' don't they? oh and whilst we are at it...look at scarlett in little italy, NY...dressed up as an undertaker....it was scary....scarlett and his thugs...but not that scary - when two big CIA men are in the room...MCDONALD and SC scared them off and got scarlett down..."it's in his shoe" gill was to say...the small boy alter who 'knew' everything...the code....which david bowie and roz then quickly deciphered...the key to the 'chinese restaurant-money laundering system'...go figure...it is all so 'mad', isn't it?...but that is the way that it was...go figure.
getting back to yesterday......but it wasn't just 'hell' that had fallen upon my head, was it?...it was something more...it was something like the whole 'hell-hole' of the ill cult MOD constellation programme....the whole radio-connections planetary system....
you see 'sarah' had been on the same 'pluto' network as myself...PLUTO...HADES...'god of the underworld'...the michael richardson team had also been upon that network....obama was head of that network....
see previous notes upon being programmed as PLUTO the disney dog...'when we were very young'...oh and DOUGAL (from THE MAGIC ROUNDABOUT) too...sarah used to be called 'sarah mcdougal' as a mkultra 'joke'..although her real surname had been something around MAC-CAM-BELL as far as i know...
...anyway, let us get back to what had happened at that army base in scotland....US intelligence had been extremely circumspect, in terms of 'not putting a foot wrong'...in relation to what had been going on, upon that scottish army base....even though it was being run by imposters, at the time (ex-army or not even 'army' at all)...i.e. those pretending to be 'the black watch'...see previous notes upon quasi-collie claiming that she was head of 'the black watch' in 1980.....
....and that is why...so many years ago, now...i was to signal to the scottish BI team "i'm nearly at the end of my tether"...and that is when they took over and did 'whatever was necessary'...and so fast...that is all i can say...i have no further information, so far.
Anyway, if you watch GOGS and unpack it...you might have a better idea of 'what had been going on and why'..."if you understand the symbolism" replies MI5 ONLINE...yes it is very condensed, isn't it?
i do hope that they run another series...or commission one, at any rate....what a gem....
...and what a 'life-saver' for myself....and those brought up on either 'bring out the laughing gas canister' or 'make a joke' within intelligence circles....in order to 'stay sane'...and i am thinking firstly about 'sonia fisher and mark vizard'...along with 'caroline hughes'....oh and deborah mcdonough and sue whalley also need a 'mention'....go figure.
perhaps GOGS lacks the 'finesse' of tellytubbies....or 'the night garden'?
....i have no idea, as to why that cartoon has not had wider coverage...perhaps it is because the humour is 'child-like' but manages to span both children's humour and adult humour....in a somewhat 'shocking' way....perhaps it is better suited to a slot after the BBC 9 O'clock news?.....for example, instead of the 'feelgood' 'funny-but-not-funny-item' at the end of many news broadcasts after all of their 'shocking news from all over the globe' which has stunned and depressed viewers into feelings of hopelessness about the state of the world...why not just show another episode of GOGS, eh?...because....in a certain way...it would make 'so much sense' to so many viewers and give them, a certain sense of optimism - you see, 'laughter' has a funny way to doing that...go figure. If you can really laugh about something...then perhaps, it lightens the load...
ZOGS made me laugh...it lightened my load....although it might be horribly offensive to a lot of adults (watch the second episode available on iplayer)...it was actually made for children....not that i classify myself as that, at 53 years old....but anyway...go figure....'are we not all children at heart', in a way?
Monday, 27 June 2016
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