Friday, 27 November 2015



....the GALAXY radio crew....see previous notes upon that radio.....13.07 - spotted outside of magnet house carpark....

leaked to US our MI6 man....who was then 'withdrawn' from the situation - by US intelligence...go figure....

I can remember 'at the time' telling US intelligence that he had to be withdrawn.....and they 'didn't get it' at the time...a blindspot? US intelligence thinking?....along the lines of a 'black man could never be....' in terms of undercover work etc etc...well there you go....

....times have changed...since that frequency program last ran...haven't they? because 'this time around' US intelligence were to realise their 'mistake'....both US and UK intelligence teams can be run and sometimes are run by 'black' people, nowadays....

ha ha ha, and yes that is really funny, US intelligence - and no, I am not talking about MEN IN you very well know.


it is funny but I never saw myself as a 'champion of other people's causes'....."not unless you felt emotional about the subject"....and yet there it is....within an operation....'every time'....people see others with 'misjudged lens' because of 'whatever' rather than how well they can do the job at hand...."and from an SOE background along with your family - you saw it, more than most" replies MI5 ONLINE....

...and now I can 'expect the worst from the ill cult' show 'everybody' that I can really 'mess up' upon the above and big time....what are they planning next then - for the next ill cult stage in their 13th one ill cult game? petrol nell has already tried 'all of her cards'....see previous notes....what more, can I expect?


....capaldi was to state about US naval intelligence involvement....something along the lines of "what do we care - so long as it doesn't get here?" in relation to british royal 'crack' ships....

well all I can tell you so this....that the shipment was 'dumped' outside of 'fishing waters'....

Norwegian intelligence were to inform all of its members...including the british royal family...that they were not allowed to use the word:


...consignment....during mind control programming.....con-sign-ment? go figure......

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