Friday, 27 November 2015


this morning i was to recognise a few people on the relation to what had happened so many years ago now... relating to that whole thing around my german-speaking 16 year old MI6 man was to say "she keeps on saying 'protocol' that's what the americans say"....because i couldn't tell them about it all - in case it upset the entire operation...he was 'on my side' at the time....MI5 toby and portillo were non-plussed about me having that alter but had also realised that i wasn't up to no good however i couldn't talk about how i had come to learn german 'along the way'...all they could see from the footage...was that i was in a very emotional state whilst talking about the man who had told me "do not hate us for what we have done....because we are not to blame"....

anyway, one man who passed me whilst i was walking past QD to go to sainsburys..."a seafaring type" replies MI5 ONLINE....well, he also passed me on the way back from sainsburys too, i might add - and again, outside of QD...a seafaring type....with what appeared to be a sort of 'tracheotomy plaster' upon the base of his throat...and yes, something terrible had happened to him...and at the hands of an ill cult torturer - a man that i was also to spot - whilst returning from Sainsbury's, up the high street....

let me explain...that MI6 man - see above...had been in sainsbury's, this morning...and he was to give me the 'trigger word'....a word that the ill cult torturer had used upon me...whilst working on that BI liaison team, so many years ago the same building, at any rate....he had threatened me and then leered with an evil grin...."we'll get it out of you...SHUR-LEE"....and yes i know that most people would understand that one as "surely" but it was in fact an inga/ingabot threat...."death threat - norwegian intelligence" replies MI5 ONLINE.

okay so, anyway....i was to reply to that MI6 man that he could go in front of me in the queue for the fast tills "because you only have one thing"....

i then scanned through my shopping, paid for it and then feel an...."odious presence" replies BI ONLINE...behind me....i turned to look at 'who it was' as i was rounding the corner and about to pass sainsbury's cashpoint....and who had it been? it had been that ill cult torturer...a tallish man with a bulbous white/greyish sort of face, thin dark purple drainpipe trousers....he grinned at me if he was sure that i would never remember him...go figure...that man had also been responsible for the torture of that 'seafaring type'...the tracheotomy number...."yellow submarine programming" replies BI ONLINE.

if you pull that ill cult will probably also get quite a few of this 'ian rickson type' on the high street, for example..."head of communications" replies MI5 ONLINE (you were really 'on the ball' this morning, weren't you?) ian rickson type that i was to shortly encounter, (he was walking the other way) - he then passed by me...after i had seen that ill cult torturer on the very same street....I was then to remember him laughing to his ill cult torturer 'boss'...."i'll get away with it...." in terms of 'if you get away with it and I have complete confidence that you will - then she'll never remember me, will she?' etc etc....

isn't it amazing how the whole 'clump' appears together? "as if by magic" replies BI ONLINE...well no...this is more about US intelligence controlling the whole field, isn't it?

you see...this morning i didn't add all of details surrounding that ship - off malta...and how it was brought under control by 'flesh-tone frequencies'....let me explain:

first up...the british marines had been alerted to 'something odd' relating to pat andrew's behaviour, at acorn villages ltd....she had shown me how to paint a 'natural' tint for a white person's complexion...."that's exactly it" i was to then 'think again'...apply that 'light pink paint' to my you would do, with a cosmetic make-up then do a double-take...nothing like my own skin tone but then i tend to buy make-up which is often called 'beige' or 'honey'....not 'warm/reddish/pinkish tones' but 'yellow tones' - to suit my complexion....and no, i am not jaundiced. anyway, i was then to say to pat "not like a real skin tone...more like a china doll...porcelain doll?"...she shook her head,, i wasn't even close....go figure.

the british marines however...'got it'....along the lines of:

"ask her to give you the combination again...the palette and the proportions of each colour"....the only problem was...that pat andrew was to refuse to do so....

i then 'sought help' in a rather dangerous quarter i.e. that 'tennant/swinton' desk then to told 'online' that this wasn't necessary...US intelligence had already got the information that they needed...that particular 'mix' of colours and the proportions....that pat andrew had used to create the 'perfect white skin tone'....

what else? well it hadn't been the british marines who had used those 'fleshtone frequencies' to get that ship under control....see previous had been US naval intelligence...however, they were to relay on the message "give it to them (british marines working for emet- pentagon 'special project') because they'd worked so hard and supplied us with all of the information, to...." in order to do what they then did etc etc....see previous notes....

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