Tuesday 28 February 2017

....anyway, so there you go....the new MKultra program...not monarch butterflies this time....but clams....and the 'abrupt wedge shell' - a Norwegian intelligence 'veggie' number?...see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:

...and gill's opinion upon the following? the CHOKING and the COKING (and the SMO-KING?)...apparently...go figure:

what was it about the 'Hebrew hammer' gill....and in relation to zoo-mato?

...oh and beach's companions weren't happy...when he mentioned that it was a 'Japanese program'...go figure:


remember the tomato/hammer franglais joke?

well this is the 'zoo - mato' according to beach...go figure:

...what else? beach had exited by the 'sidedoor' let us say..."time to go" - as a military operative approached their table....go figure as to what OCCUPIED is all about...in relation to 'sidorova'...perhaps they had been trying to remember 'this place'?


funny how beach didn't like to state things openly...even to his closest companions...anyway, he was to tell them the following pic related to a Hollywood boss....when asked if it was Goldwyn...he replied that it wasn't....it was all about 'rony'...that boss used to attend her yoga sessions....go figure:


...and the following image was going to be used for a new type of microchip....based upon the idea of a 'cluster' ear-ring...."clusterfuck" replies MI5 ONLINE...well, I suppose that it would assault your brain/mind 'in that way'...go figure:

...and of course, the obligatory 'illuminated globe'...go figure:

...what else? 'the old rope' as they were to laugh...regarding NASA lies etc etc....along with a reference to the cordons/ribbons/military or medals...go figure:

what else? the 'white noise' interference....in relation to the oval....beach was to indicated that it would be placed at the bottom of a body of water....go figure:

beach was also to talk about the following....in relation to the above device and its location....one of his companions was to laugh "so we can keep on making popcorn, then?" a paedophile reference...go figure:
"mimi sanderson had been in there" replies BI ONLINE...who had spotted her...CF? anyway, what do you think about the following...a 'mrs trude' display?...or perhaps a 'teacher' number....see previous notes upon pink Floyd's album....

let me guess...the helm...and the helm ET? ha ha ha...in control of the 'egg' aka the oval....

...anyway, you get the basic idea....dear reader...and so I shall leave it at 'that'...go figure:

...and the following? well see previous notes upon that FREAKING NEWS poster....pretty much the same thing, huh? i.e. a front for beach upon the networks...go figure:

...oh and the following was dedicated to Obama...."who had made it all possible"....one of beach's companions was to tell another "he's talking about the NSA"...go figure:

....and the following was something to do with satanic gardeners and 'burns'...go figure:

"cauliflower and kings"...something to do with king's....royalty perhaps but beach had been thinking about king's and NY...in relation to academics?

"the car-pet"....go figure:

not mermaid's purse this time but 'the same thing'...in relation to 'raisa alters'...go figure:
beach was to code his companions into the following...one of them was to complain that he wasn't polish...he was an American..."we all are"...but I suppose that beach had been hinting about something else...their backgrounds, for example...


and the following has got to be pretty nasty, too....look at those leaves....see previous notes upon those leaves causing serious stomach ache/problems....the acid involved etc etc....a bit like raw rhubarb....poisonous....

"the panda eats shoots and leaves" replies MI5 ONLINE...you mean another assassin alter number?

...and this is an odd one...you had a 'seahorse alter', gill....caged in by 'interference'?...oh and there's your cock-tail....go figure:

what else? 'all the leaves are brown'....well, they're not actually...as beach's companions were to point out...but when you are reinventing the wheel, you change it a bit....go figure:

...and this is an obvious one around zygote slavery....strawberry fields....the roe....and 'the all seeing eye' etc etc...

...oh and beach had some 'maxim' around swords...was it 'live by the sword - die by the sword'?...anyway, nota bene the 'green hair', gill....go figure:

....beach was asked by his companions...why there was no spinach upon this plate...."we don't need it"...the following is something around 'black eyes' delta assassin alters....along with 'olive oil' as in pop-eye the sailor man's wife etc etc....

...and 'this one' was all about how to foil the marines' network...with interference/white noise-in-between-the-green....whatever....go figure:

remember that old joke "waiter, there's a fly in my soup?"

....beach had decided to use this in relation to radar...and detecting hostile remoteviewers-at-work....go figure:

...what else? well beach was to point to the 'white heart' in the centre of the following dish..."KKK men with him" replies BI ONLINE....and talk about the new 'en-gag-ment ring'....go figure:

...and 'this one'....beach had been hoping to use upon the mossad in 'hummingbird' alters....go figure:

and you wonder why dazzlenation has been giving me 'blank spaces' now and then....see previous notes upon 'all of that'.

anyway, little colin could somewhat remember 'where it was'...which is why this is all coming out now, I suppose....he would most probably have been taken there to view the 'white blood cells' dish....go figure.
...and he was to label 'this one'....."on the wings of a dove"...his companions were to laugh....a bit of a smash-up then?

"the abuse of remoteviewers" replies MI5 ONLINE:

...what else? beach was to joke about the silver spoon....he was to say that it represented himself...in relation to it being his 'spoon' upon the networks....the SS for short?

...and so there you have it...the best seafood restaurant in town....see previous notes upon the-same-thing-but-not in prague....as run by the prague Rothschild.....anyway, the marines' network has just been online to say that you need to check out the building below in relation to 'radio'....go figure:

anyway, even though the food looks delicious (if seafood is your 'thing' that is)...it is all a bit sinister, isn't it?


...what else? my laptop was cut off of the internet and the last photographs, as I scrolled down...were to turn up 'blank'...I then regained internet access...to click on the blank boxes...the second image to come up was the following...and my sixth sense is telling me that it is all to do with google's 'wooden spoon' in relation to st david's day..."block of wood" replies MI5 ONLINE....which one? let me scan for more information...you are entirely correct...beach and his pals had joked about 'that one'...not 'kate wood' though....what about 'big suze' as PKW/Robert webb was to nickname her?

...and there's more...Brenda had seen the pic of 'the hidden claw' and told emet that she figured it was supposed to represent themselves....

oh and my mother had talked about a forthcoming holiday to neuveville....remember the canard dore...the golden duck...well the sign below is of two fishes but even so....


and this morning, I was to remember the following...Brenda finding 'something' out from myself...whilst I was remoteviewing...but then managing to hide it from me....well, sort of....because I can remember what it was all about, now...and it began with 'discastle' as a joke name for 'zielinski'....coded in as DISQUE ARSELLE....a hop skip and a jump to the 'best fish restaurant in town'...according to Jacob Rothschild...additionally, one of the dishes is apparently the 'trigger' to make CF develop cancer again..."but only if accessed subliminally" replies MI5 ONLINE...you mean 'on the networks' rather than 'plain as the eye can see'....go figure:

the colours that zielinski preferred....

mercenary...in relation to the DNA?

the best fish restaurant in town....

something to do with 'white blood cells'....see below:

....and mr burns...aka Jacob Rothschild...

'the hidden claws'...of those like beach the peach....and yes beach had been here, with his cronies...

'the cracked egg'...to make you talk:

beach's unholy ghost symbol:

and what's going on here, you might ask? well, oddly enough...I'm helping Jacob Rothschild get out of beach's control...go figure.

anyway, 'brenda' was to tell me that mimi sanderson's so-called commune in NY...had really been the following..."she must have belonged to that"...go figure:


hmmm...I wonder if toddy was also part of the same thing....because he certainly knew about 'mimi'...."she's not American - she's Austrian"...etc etc...see previous notes.