Saturday 23 September 2017 just before 9.15am....i was to hear two policemen having a chat with a man-in-the-doorway of flat 4 (not somebody who appears to live there, although i could be wrong)....they then asked to be let in....anyway, they had a quick look round...and then quietly knocked on flat 3's neighbour ask what was going on...this was all done in a very 'hush hush' way....the police had knocked so quietly upon her door...that i was surprised that she had even heard it...anyway, they all talked in sotto voices - so that i could barely pick up what was going on....apparently there had been a disturbance, firstly - a disturbance, to do with a baby and secondly, a bottle being thrown out of a neighbour was to state that she hadn't seen anything...the police then asked her who was in the flat...she replied...her boyfriend and that her mother was upstairs....they didn't bother to ask to be let in...hmmm...and so what is bothering me about the above?

well, nothing should be bothering me, at all - because one gets used to hearing about 'disturbances' around belle court - see previous notes...anyway, my flat overlooks the other side of the building....and so of course i didn't see or hear, anything...and so what is bothering me?...and well, it is all of this 'cloak and dagger' biznez....the quiet knocking...the sotto if the police knew that they were 'expected'....and well, i had no idea because my flat's windows do not overlook belle court's frontdoor, or the main carpark - which is where i am assuming 'whateveritwas' happened and sometime yesterday/last night...

oh and i am also assuming that the police had arrived by car....although, they might have just walked down the road, from the station...however, it would make sense that they had arrived by car...and that is why flat 3 and 4 had been expecting a 'knock' i suppose....

anyway, bizarrely i was looking through the spyhole of my frontdoor....a policeman of over 6 foot...then stood with his back, to my frontdoor - nearly blocking the spyhole view, i might add....and a bit later on...whilst he was talking to his mate - i was to hear such a soft 'knocking' soft...that i was to figure that it was the wind, under the door.....and that nobody was actually was only afterwards...that i figured odd as it might sound....what with his back turned to the door...he might have actually been softly knocking at my frontdoor...isn't that weird? if he didn't want his face to be do you see why the whole thing has bothered me a bit?...for example, he hadn't  turned his back to the door, when he had knocked on flat 3's frontdoor......go figure. what are they all up to?....listen to the next installment etc etc....for my own part...i have no idea...but everybody seems a bit 'suspect' to me, nowadays....and surely - you can guess why, dear reader.

...and then i think....'oh, just let them get on with it - so long as they don't bother me, i don't give a flying' etc etc...because i'm not interested and so do not try to involve me in any of your 'hi-jinks'...although - no doubt, CHP will be ringing up to make enquiries - after the weekend...see previous notes upon the last time...go figure.

anyway, let me d'ajani's son had been 'that tall'...and dark-haired....brenda had found out something, hadn't she? about mr d'ajani's son....and she had found it out from the boyfriend of mr d'ajani....along the lines of 'they have to make money somehow'....let me guess - from the zygote slavery trade?....see previous notes upon that pregnant-woman-who-spoke-portuguese....walking around the hotel with her exposed belly...covered in rather sinister black tattoos....and i just 'knew' something was wrong...but not speaking any portuguese...i didn't try to 'make conversation'....see previous notes.

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