Wednesday 15 February 2017

what else? on my youtube frontpage, this morning...let me see...MI5 toby and jon were to talk about the following episode as 'one of the best'...and they had coded it out as a memory aid, in some way but they didn't tell me what they had coded in....and so what was going on here, then?

although my sixth sense is telling me that it might be to do with the following left comment...go figure:
oh I get what this is all about now...having fleetingly likened myself to 'fletch'- in the tv series 'porridge', whilst working as an EFL teacher, at that prague dto...and because it had been a 'prison' of sorts and for all of us etc etc....
roll on the years...and well, lisa and co were to decide to extend the 'simile' a lot further than it had ever been intended, to go...into one big metaphor....see previous notes upon me gardening in eagle house, west street, Harwich...the garden had been used as a satanic 'programming location' by the ill and so naturally I had wanted to clean it up, let us say - including getting those railway 'sleepers' removed...whereupon those two CIA plants in flat 2, were to 'wake up'....see previous notes upon rimington programming in body piles as 'primrose clumps' etc etc.......anyway, I was then attacked in that garden by a real criminal i.e. petrol nell....for lisa's son to then take charge of the ill cult events that were to follow...
...and the metaphor continues....'digging things up' daily but upon a metaphorical level rather than literally...."stuff that they intended to steal, later on" replies BI ONLINE....exactly that...."a diabolical game"....and so I have always had to watch my step in relation to what I expose....anyway, as I have said before now....none of them were good-at-maths....and that is the ultimate power...
...and yes, I can remember now...lisa had coded herself in as the 'Jaffa queen'...whilst block of wood had opted for the 'grapefruit' advert....go figure:

 what else? well my memories of that time....are mainly of my almost constant companion....'mr tom'....and they still have the power to make me particular, his ferocious attack upon block of wood's Christmas tree...ripping whole branches off of the trunk....alarming McGowan out of his mind....such a big man....frightened by a cat....such a wonderful cat....of course, 10 years on...'mr tom' has probably passed on but I don't think about that...I just remember the good times....go figure.

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