Monday 24 August 2015

so what happened this morning then?

i had a look at my camera had refused to function the other day...and today....whilst photographing a 'heater convection' box....

'easy wall mounting includes mounting mate' was on show, upon the side of the box....left in belle court bins room:

my camera was to malfunction whilst taking an overview....yesterday....and today....go figure:

oh i see...that is why i was to laugh at a pigeon 'turning it's tail feathers and bottom up', the other take a photo....or two.

and i was to do the same then remember a 'pigeon fancier' at MI5 telling 'whoever'....that it didn't mean 'courting'...."those are two males.....fighting over territory"....go figure.....because it is a 'military joke' about 'all male environments' and 'sexual intercourse' in relation to anal intercourse....courting? no....not exactly....go figure.

"reminds us of the outcome of tomlinson's pregnant man society" replies MI5 ONLINE.

ah yes, i remember 'that one' well...what the BEIT DIN.....all of those rabbis had planned to happen, so many years ago now and they still appear to be 'going for it'....i.e. 'pregnant men society' - and the SUMER REIGN - under the control of the chief sephardic criminal.....jade laing's biological 'dad'....

...the insanity of it all....

.....after 'armageddon'....and not that many men left alive (and no women - they would have been exterminated, by that point in time)....tomlinson's chosen tribe....i.e. those who had access to 'egg banks' order to supply them with an endless supply of cloned female eggs....would then manage to get then abort each other by caesarian (and yes, i can remember tomlinson 'off his face' talking about 'vasectomy' rather than 'caesarian' - to then be corrected by those around him - abortion by vasectomy? i wonder now....about what tomlinson had really thinking about...along the lines of 'VA-SECT-O-MY' - oh i 'get' it, now - it wasn't tomlinson who was really mad, was it? it was JOHN VARRO..."tomlinson was that mad, too" replies MI5 ONLINE "by that point in time") ....pregnant men society....who would then go on to abort and then eat each others' foetuses....and basically 'die out' pretty quickly....the end of the human race. Do you now see why - we are fighting 'robot wars' to prevent these 'mental robots' from taking over the entire world?

"they can't help it - it's their download to chip" replies MI5 ONLINE.

what else?

looks like rain today....i took a few photos....including a 'rain on your parade' reference....see previous notes upon that CIA/mcdonald recycling bag from sainsbury's..... note that the CLACTON AIRSHOW has not 'been and gone' yet, without me noticing....and yes i hadn't checked the dates.....towards the end of august, apparently.....

....and what is that 'item' above? i suppose that it could be 'anything' really because my camera takes such bad shots....a tree or a sculpture perhaps? however my 6th sense tells me that most people 'clock it' but do not notice it - because of networked mind control....and so?  time to find out what it is....


....and yes i know that the whole post, above...sounds absurd....and that goons will say "paranoid...delusionary" etc etc.....but i know what's what....i was in the magician's apprentice class for so long.....see previous notes...i know how illusions are cast...what they really they operate.....and how to cast them, i might add...continuing the 'harry potter' theme from yesterday, i might add....and it was US and not UK intelligence who had helped me to do it....go figure.

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