Thursday 20 August 2015

pics from today...where do I begin? it appeared to be something of a caroline hughes/Romanov day but there were other things 'in the mix'....

first up...QD where scarlett used to have his 'hq'....a new window display today....featuring caroline's plates...she had been programmed with those 'Mirabelle flower' plates...

onto the TAILORS shop on THE spot NW piggybanks along with an INSECT pack towards the back of the display....
and then on to the pick up those 'rowling books' that I had reserved...see previous notes .....and having had a look at THE MAGICAL WORLDS OF HARRY POTTER...I was to remember my father telling me "just remember page 93" and I would remember the rest of it...of course, that is why gill was to remind me, the other day...about the MAGNET....little colin was terrified of using forks as a child....great aunt colette had dubbed gill and myself as the FOURCHETTES....and gill used to get a grip on the virtually uncontrollable 'little colin' by warning him along the following lines "you'll end up like bloody GUY FAWKES, you will"....gill already knew about scarlett's 'Gordon way -fake IRA' program......and that was what CF really didn't want anybody to find out....nota bene that fawkes had wanted to blow up parliament...little colin was probably programmed to do the save the british monarchy from 'going down'...
what great aunt Colette had actually been referring to...was 'tuning forks'....the ability to tune a musical instrument...a radio 'hear' frequencies like a cat...."that are almost imperceptible to most people" replies MI5 ONLINE...rather like Sharon picking up on the 'noah's ark' the anna ticho gallery, Jerusalem....see previous notes...
tuning forks and magnets are rather similar in shape, aren't they?...and it was 'something' that gill and I - used to use, in order to protect ourselves from little colin...or big colin, for that matter...
anyway, somebody had wrapped the following 'bit of paper' with my name upon the other side....around one of those reserved books, in the library today:

what else? well a certain 'charade' was to take place outside of magnet house carpark, this morning....oh and my intercom was to go off at about 12.01pm....anyway, the van had MASTERS OF STONE upon the side of it...which was to remind me of CH and her GLASSBEAD GAME - see previous notes....MOTG...'master of the game'...."controlling all sides" replies MI5 ONLINE.....the woman below...well her hair was to firstly remind me of CH and then rowling...a mixture of the two, perhaps?

that scrap of paper with my name upon the other side:

...and those 'harry potter/rowling' books:

that 'in-sect' behind the other items in the TAILORS shop on THE GROVE...see previous notes upon Cameron and co using this shop for various memory aids etc etc...."they were well aware of scarlett's real history" replies MI5 ONLINE:

...the Russian state ballet at the town hall?

that white van....

insect and snake motifs....

THE GROVE and a certain shade of 'pink' upon the sills.....
look at the apex of that triangle....a QUAIL motif, perhaps?
....and what about those 'white-string-theory' as I was to dub them 'so many years ago now'.... 'BEADED-effect' curtains...."the Romanov house"....well, it is looking a bit worse for wear, isn't it?


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