Thursday 13 August 2015


last night i was to remember two incidents which occured whilst at dartington...the first event occurred near to the beginning of the first term of my first year there, 1986...and 'it was all about harriet'...see previous notes upon mimi championing her 'cause' brief, harriet was a HUME slave (pronounced home)....and she was fully equipped in order to report back to her hume network...she had one of those dark red stunguns, a 'spray drug' for food...a large cloth 'green blindfold'...and at the beginning of my first year...she used to do the following: invite somebody from the art course back to her room - on campus in the main building...tell them that she was a christian and ask them to say the lord's prayer with her...following by a slice of cake, baked by her 'mother' (sprayed by harriet beforehand - you always got the first slice at the end - cut from the loaf, which had been sprayed - she then cut herself the next slice - how devious eh?)...anyway, once drugged - harriet would scan to see what network her victim was on...having worked that one out...she would blindfold them with the GREEN blindfold...spin them around three times...stungun them on the back of the neck and then let them go....

phil (from the art course) was on my network...he was to warn me about harriet and the cake...and so upon my visit - things turned out a little differently...i asked for a very thin then spit it out in my hand and put it into my pocket once her back was turned (and yes, the cake had tasted a bit like that 'chemical chocolate cake' at langley juniors, see previous notes except that it was supposed to be a 'ginger' flavoured one, according to harriet)...the drug, however - was so potent that i had already absorbed some through my tongue etc...harriet was then to quiz me upon that A level in religion and philosophy...see previous notes upon that other HUME slave at solihull 6th form, also in that class...rachel jones...roll on the years, rachel was to join that class of 'floating CEOS' see previous notes...additionally, the HUME trap had been laid for her early on (as well as everybody else who had attended) a BBC recording of SONGS OF PRAISE (see previous notes upon sarah conkey)...and you wonder why i was to comment, the other day..upon rowling, who was attacking THE EXPRESS in relation to asking what the BBC had been up to...'in calais'....a SONGS OF PRAISE number...i then figured that in relation to 'cultural tolerance' i.e. because not everybody is a christian...perhaps that 'i love you because you're beautiful' song, might have been better? quick, catchy and easy to learn...see previous notes upon would have been more fun perhaps...lightened the mood? "that would have meant another BBC department - not 'SONGS OF PRAISE'" replies MI5 ONLINE. Let me see... a few days ago...i was to read a bizarre comment (i cannot remember which article, now or maybe it was a PRIVATE EYE pisstake) but anyway, somebody was saying that a number of immigrants had been picked by the port authorities to become 'security' absurd thought? i don't know...

anyway, back to harriet...a lord hume slave...firstly the lord's prayer...we said it together...differing upon the way in which we said "amen"....harriet was to pronounce it R-MEN....whilst i was to pronounce the 'A'..... "A-MEN"....she was curious...i replied that i had no idea where i had picked that one up and supposed that it was probably an american pronunciation...

rmen....carmen...amen...ramen noodles....A and R men..."you say patato and i say potato" etc etc...remember mark and mcdonald...programming in putin and obama as MIR-AND-A?

what else?...well, having asked me a few questions about that A' level...harriet was to observe "it's the jesuits..." - to which i replied "sophistry?"...she asked what that meant....i replied "the art of making black seem white and white seem black" anyway she had deduced my network "as well as phil's" replies MI5 ONLINE...before i really knew what was going on...barely conscious of my own programming and network...i then closed my eyes...realising that it was best to pretend that the drug had worked and to find out what was supposed to happen next....harriet then came up to me and tied a thick green blindfold around my head - and so the last thing that i was supposed to see - was a 'dark to middling green'...she told me to stand up...and she turned me around 3 times...and then, whilst behind me...she was to mutter "where is it?" i then spotted from under the blindfold...what she was looking for...the stungun...i decided that it was time to act - made a grab for it first...switched it onto 4....touched her arm with it...picked up my bag and exited her room, as quickly as run off and find roz....i gave roz the stungun and roz asked me the following question "did you lock the door?" i replied that i hadn't - i had closed it...anyway, roz was to say, in conclusion "good - she won't remember who was in her room"....and she didn't, as it turned out...the next day...

the next day, harriet was to come up to me and tell me that she had had a giddy, fainting attack the day before...i replied that she had looked all right when i left her...she asked me when and where...i replied, near to the main college building at about 4pm...she asked me what i did next...i replied that i had walked down to go shopping before the shops closed...harriet asked me why i hadn't taken my bike...i replied that i was lodging with a couple who ran the yachting shop on the high street and that they had told me that if i were in town before they 'shut up shop' that they would give me a lift back to their house...on that buckfastleigh road....which was, in fact the case....precisely what i had done...only a bit later on than 4pm....see previous notes...and i might add that the couple had wanted to know what harriet had been up to, too...go figure.

let me see...the next 'incident' was to happen much later on...whilst i was living with caroline in that cottage near to buckfastleigh....i had been chatting to that 'public schoolboy' jooish antique dealer, in the SU bar that night (i can't remember his name but MI5 and the british army were to track him down 'so many years ago now' to interview him about the whole lot)....was his shop in somewhere like ashburton? it was a village/town...not that far from totnes but quite a distance....

anyway, a storm was to break out...torrential rain...thunder and lightning...i had been planning on staying at chimnels 'on campus' that night...and so he offered to give me a lift there in his landrover...i can remember that vehicle well because it looked so very 'safe', as well as in relation to what was to happen next...additionally, i can remember meeting him for the first time - he was to tell me that landrover had bulletproof glass...i asked why...he replied something along the lines of "a lot of mad farmers around" and laughed... i understood immediately...grandfather clayton had told me about suffolk farmers along the lines of "if your dog is worrying their sheep - they'll shoot your dog and maybe, you too"....

so off he drove...down that private road to then 'see something' in the headlights and swerve off the road and down a grass verge, to the right...just before we got to that STEINER SCHOOL house....the vehicle went on '2 wheels' down the verge and i can remember laughing nervously - having put on my seatbelt, even for that short drive....he quickly regained control of the car...did a circle on the lawn and drove back up the stop the landrover...CF was approaching us, in the headlights...he looked like he was in 'wolf' or 'vampire' alter...he started to bang on the window...i told my 'friend' to lock the doors and not to wind down the window...he looked like he didn't need to be he was almost rigid with fear....and i wonder now...CF had made a hand signal in the headlights...was it one of those 'son of god' signals? i was to catch it 'in the corner of my eye' before the landrover went down the verge....

anyway, i told him to change seats and i would drive...and yes it was still pouring down with rain...thunder and lightning...a really scary night, in a way....i had no idea of how to drive a landrover..."how do you put it into gear?"...i then proceeded to slowly reverse up that private road...i can remember alistair baxter laughing afterwards "you hero! you reversed all the way up..." - so what had been going was almost as if we had entered a forbidden zone and got hit by a 'tractor beam'....seriously - there were 'dark figures' by the woods - at the end of that private wonder my 'friend' hadn't done a U turn around the steiner school house....and used the small 'roundabout' at the end of that private road, in order to turn fact he hadn't managed to turn round at all, once back on the road...which is why i had to reverse in the first place....

CF was not to be detered...he then ran behind the landrover and lay down on that road....i was reversing at a snail's pace and figured...he'll get out of the way, in time...once he sees the tyres.....and he did....out of his mind with fury...banging and kicking the car, like a maniac....

at the top of that private road...i backed up and then asked where 'first' relation to the gearbox...let me try to remember......imagine a long thin right was left was second was at that point - that the vehicle began to roll backwards....i asked where the footbrake was...and put it on....and then for the the answer "there isn't one"....really, there wasn't one - and he didn't explain 'why' at the time...but as far as i can remember now...he had broken it off, at some point...anyway, let me continue...he then told me "you have to do it fast" and i managed to do it in time...before we rolled back into a wall....into first, second and down that go 'the back way' down the drive, from the college...our troubles were not over yet....

as we began the descent...another car was to come up the hill...and force us to stop....a man was to get out...and yes, the rain was still torrential....i could hardly see a thing...but one thing that i am sure that the man was waving a gun...and shouting 'something' - however, the rain and wind were to carry his voice away...i could see that there were others in his car....

my 'friend' had got out his mobile...a very early model...smaller than an MOD radio 'brick'....this was 1987...or 1988 i suppose....he was having difficulty getting a signal but eventually he began to talk to somebody on the phone...whilst i was concentrating on edging forward and getting past that car which was blocking our way...eventually i was to manage to do so....

but our troubles were not over yet...anyway, i was to tell my 'friend' that we would go back to that rented cottage....just off that winding 'buckfastleigh' road....he had recovered himself somewhat and told me to dip the headlights...i told him to do it himself whilst thinking "if i do it - not knowing how - i'll probably turn them off"...and that would be incredibly dangerous, whilst driving...he then dipped the headlights for me...

anyway, a second or too, later....a vehicle was to drive fast around one of the was a large vehicle but i cannot remember what....because a blinding flash was to hit the landrover as i drove slowly past it....really...just 'white light' i had been concentrating so hard on the road ahead...upon what had been visible whilst the headlights were full on...that i had memorised the route as far as i could see it...and so continued to drive 'blind' for a few seconds...because it was as if my friend's landrover had been hit by something like 'lightning' ...however, i am sure that it was to do with the vehicle, which was to pass us....let me guess - had it been thomson in that other vehicle? it appeared to be an army vehicle of sorts...and thomson had driven something like a landrover but not an expensive one...more of a 'jeep'....

what else? well thankfully after 'all of that'....we got back to the cottage safely......caroline was noticeably absent...i offered my friend the spare room...he told me "i'll take her bed"....i was sure that caroline wouldn't like that....but he wasn't going to take no, for an answer....

the next day...caroline was to find out...and she was furious...livid, even.

....i was to ask roz what had been going on that night...and having described the man with the gun, on the back drive...she was to raise her eyebrows and then say "oh it was gun-running"....although she looked as if she were did she know what had been going on or not?

so what am i to make of those two incidents...which came up 'together'? harriet...lord hume...guns....tractor beam...bulletproof glass and 'mad farmers'....what can one make of any of it?

as far as i know...CF had been trying to help us, in retrospect...frightening us away?...but from what? what was going on 'in the woods'...that group of figures by the trees...i had no idea of who they were....but visibility was so poor....despite the headlights being on....

anyway, i can remember ling going through the whole thing with me...see tell me that i had to put down every single detail...or else 'emma' who used to date 'public schoolboy/jooish antique dealer' early on...whilst a student at dartington....well, she was to ask him about that whole 'grass verge' business, just after it had all happened...and he was to reply that he couldn't remember a thing about that night....ling was to tell me that emma would attempt to say that nothing had happened - "in relation to re-opening the inquiry" replies BI ONLINE...for whatever reason....nota bene - emma was to marry thomson after leaving college.

one more thing to add....CF had something to do with that ROMANOV TREE cartoon...I am sure of it...because I can remember asking him what had happened that night...and he couldn't talk about fact, all he was to do was to telepathically communicate...caroline hughes' face, superimposed upon a massive oak tree....just like that ROMANOV tree, in the ALBA cartoon....the image in his mind had been 'just like that'....

let me see...what else?...david miliband was to come up yesterday in relation to  Calais......the channel tunnel......nefertiti...songs of praise....

remember his I-LORCA relation to the OKES?

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