Friday 21 August 2015

marr and the emperor's THUMBS UP and in relation to that painting behind him....

let me see....who had identified as an emperor...what was 'little colin up to' see Churchill is described as walking around in a kimono....a Japanese/Chinese reference.....little colin was to tell me to buy my father a kimono.....he had wanted all of a certain taschmann network to have them...he had wanted my father to have a green one...the factory had run out and so decided to send a blue one with a pink tie....go figure....

I would guess that it is the LOOBY LOU painting...."you're all on the clock"....scarlett's mother as time-keeper, clocking everybody into that factory...I bet he never forgot 'that one' then program in a 'looby lou'....mimi sanderson.....I can remember my father making a caravan a bit like the one in which looby lou stands, in the video 'my caravan'....I wonder what had been my instruction from swiss-french watch what mimi was much as little colin, I suppose....and upon that note...little colin had hidden his memories in the image below...the eyes of the not under the tomato box lid this time around?
so let me is mimi's day in the flat scarlett's looby lou....timekeeper....'the hours' eh daldry?
...and my network has hacked that looby lou is under our control, now....a more powerful version of 'looby lou'....

....let me see...remember TOWER ROAD ZOO in Clacton? those two edifices carved out of treetrunks....that is what the british army had talk about 'mr and mrs brad pitt's painting'....

let me see...and so Angelina jolie's new film....will probably be something around that 'chartwell group of friends'....something around the south of france....won't it?
who was the 'society beauty' in that watercolour, again....


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