Friday, 16 December 2022

 .....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...well, to cut a very long story looks like the SAS have tuned into a 'melanie-macron' number, regarding that 'new boiler' affair - in my'll post more about 'that one', later on - or perhaps i won't...anyway, ask donna, about it - because she appears to be 'in the know'.....more laughter...oh and having checked out that 'specsavers' unit, upon pier avenue...remember that audiology number?...and well, the staff appear to take great delight in sitting around, whilst their customers freeze into the ground outside, whilst watching the clock to see how late they can open, after their opening time at 8.45am....i was to ask one of the customers waiting outside, about it which she had replied that it was 8.45am and that she had her job to go to, at 9am....a man standing behind her, in the queue, nodded in agreement....the other day, i had seen quite a queue of people, outside of that shop...all waiting to get in...presumably because the shop hadn't opened at the time that it had said it would do...a little bit 'suspicious'?....and well, having looked inside - through the glass windows...i was to note that most if not all of the staff were doing 'nothing'...just sitting (or standing) around or at their desks - with rather 'nasty' smiles or grimaces upon their faces...whilst those outside, in the freezing cold etc etc...hmmm...something 'not right' at any rate....anyway, all one can say about that sort of 'biznez' is that if you treat your customers like that - you're on the slide...going down etc etc...whoever might have been responsible for that 'hiccup' in customer-care relations etc etc....go figure.

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