....and what do you think of the following - dazzlenation?...because you had mentioned 'goblins' in your 'tonight's mood' pic and i had presumed that you meant ill cult 'cannibal' programmed goblins....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....and er why has she got what appears to be a 'snow white' doll on her bed?....anyway, i'd watch out for anybody who is 'embracing their inner goblin' - let us say....oh and abused women often let themselves go...nothing matters anymore....remember petra phelp's 'pigsty' of a student room etc etc after what tomlinson-in-goblin-mode had done to her....go figure:
Oxford word of the year 2022 revealed as 'goblin mode' - BBC News
Casper Grathwohl, president of Oxford Languages, said that people have been embracing their inner goblin.
Dazzlenation: Archive (tumblr.com)
anyway, as far as topical new words go....i was to listen to a conversation upon radio BBC 4...where a woman appeared to be competing with the presenter.....to say the word stagflation as many times as possible...conflating the word stagnation with inflation....stagflation, anybody?....and a little bird tells me that those who had thought it up, originally...had laughed about 'stagcession'....i.e. using the word 'recession' because people might get the wrong idea....hmmm....remember tomlinson as a programmed stag?..."forever on his stag night" replies BI online...lol...although none of this is really 'funny', is it?....anyway, the word has been around for quite a while....since 1965, apparently...but is now gaining popularity, again - i suppose or something like that:
and how far does 'stag night' go back, then?...let me see...sounds like a scene from a movie....go figure:
hmmm....the young women had all been made to 'belly dance', whilst on that 1980 MI5 russian course....nota bene that round the world trip, which had included visiting more than one arabic country....remember - tomlinson had originally been sickened by the ill cult's blood opiates addiction...that st john rite - at a boarded up church in ein kerem, jerusalem.....however, once they had brain-damaged him enough....and what with him being a class A drug addict, to start off with...."he went on the rampage" replies BI online...."an out and out cannibal":
anyway, are we still on that 'turkish team' at portishead house, with the following - dazzlenation?...any relation to tomlinson, who had originally hailed from turkey, let us say:
anyway, i think that the erstwhile sainsbury's hexagonal turkish delight box, is the one that 'crappy' had wanted a reminder of....and it had been patterned in a similar way to the backdrop but in different shades of turquoise, so many years ago now....and a little bird tells me that it had been 'bonds' and not a sainsbury's own brand:
and there's more dazzlenation....and this is where it gets a bit 'spacey'....lol...remember 'narnia' programming - regarding the funeral of queen elizabeth - as noted by macron/french intelligence?...anyway, it is something around 'orion'....go figure:
'narnia DIY', anybody?
oh and if you want a 'stag' pic....along with a shot of the 'elephant hunter-moth'...which is also upon the timer system, for some reason and in relation to 'stag' programming....go figure:
along with a reminder of the colours of that 'bonds' turkish delight box...oh i see...BI online can remember it having been MI6 'miri' richard moore's choice:
hawker hunter vs vulcan bombers?..."it's the same thing, you all get trapped":
and so this could be a site to watch, regarding in-sect programming?...."don't touch the turkish delight":
let me scan for more details - regarding that turkish team at portishead house - dazzlenation....let me see...and in a very alternate dimension...we have 'turkish delight' and 'christ-@-us'....and so we're back to that old soviet program....remember blunt and his so-called apostles...."soviet satanism"....go figure:
may i present to you, then...the 'in-sect' ill cult 'christ' child...."black mass"....along with that old 'black shadow on wall' conflated with 'black halo' number, that the ill cult is so fond of referencing, with regard to caravaggio's work and the like:
omg dazzlenation...have you seen the pseudo scorpion?..."miri moore"...and so he had been trying to continue this soviet satanic 'blood opiates' cult...with a sideways glance at the crack-king - which had been younger, as far as i can recall:
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