Saturday, 3 December 2022

 ....anyway, remember that 'tycho' number in jerusalem - dazzlenation?...the anna ticho museum and gallery...along with a restaurant:

Tycho’s Supernova Remnant

This colorful image is Tycho’s supernova remnant — the leftovers of an ancient explosion spotted by Danish astronomer Tycho Braht in 1572. Thanks to the Chandra X-ray Observatory, we can see the obliterated star in the constellation Cassiopeia. Why did it occur?

hmmm....something that marr had inputted for bobby's mob....remember ingabot 'n' ed's ham and cheese 'croques' that they used to buy upon lisle railway station...conflated with 'crocodiles' and of course, we then have robo-cluck and her 'croc' footwear...."castles in the air" replies BI

1572 - Wikipedia

Imaginary numbers are defined by Rafael Bombelli.

Imaginary number - Wikipedia

and then we get onto a 'cronshy' reference - remember carney's amoureuse?...."byte - she had done most of the work"...oh i see....most of the computer work for marr:

and finally, if we are still on yes, somebody had uploaded a gif of a leopard or was it a jaguar killing a crocodile in a river - upon my twitter homepage....and so guess what happened next?..."the zeno cult" replies BI online....well, toddy for one - had sworn revenge against the mossad - for nearly managing to blind him....which means, let me last count...well, you can see why robo-cluck et al, were brought down, to then be replaced by that BI polish team at portishead house....who have just been exposed.....and so we have as yet to see who will install themselves next, in order to continue that gilly_breeze twitter account etc etc....see previous posts....go figure.

....hmmm...i can't find the gif...but this appears to be the footage....anyway, the original gif strapline had been something around how it is possible for some predators to out-manoeuvre their prey - even when they are at a disadvantage i.e. 'in the water':

and what's this? figure:

er...wild guess, here - is this the 'new lot' in - at portishead house?....a turkish team?....more laughter...and let me scan for more info.....uploaded by the polish team, just before they left:

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