Thursday, 8 December 2022

 ...and after the initial thought along the lines of 'this must be photoshopped' then read upon wiki that apparently it isn't - dazzlenation....hmmm....and if i were to extend this a bit further....perhaps there had been giant humans around, at the time of the dinosaurs then, too - eh?...although i suppose that they have as yet, to find a giant humanoid skull.....who knows....go figure:

Robert Wadlow - Wikipedia

let's have a look, then...about 6 foot, apparently:

The 4000-Year-Old “Longshan Giant” Discovered in Shaanxi Province, China | Radiocarbon | Cambridge Core

and then the hoaxes, according to national geographic:

and what else?

hmmm.....checking the measurements....and in relation to what part of the skull you are first glance....the picture doesn't quite seem to add up....but then it is a frontal view.....and so how far back does the skull really go, then - in relation to 'length' rather than how 'long' the face might have been?

lol...i remember what this is all about, now...something around toddy's joke - regarding ray fishwick in 'caveman' alter..."they might have been more intelligent" replies BI online...than who?...quasi-collie's mob on chip?...i do not doubt it..."the effect of diablo wine" not 'grow a brain'?...with an aside to graham hancock...more know, i had a look at his netflix documentary and he did raise some interesting points....go figure:

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