Friday 28 October 2022

 .....this is where i had been 'inducted' - dazzlenation....drugged and then forced to work as a 'slave' for that attenborough crew...."MOD boss" replies BI online...him, too....anyway, my knowledge and experience of mathematics/radio work ('control of the environment') had been off of the richter scale, by that point in time...circa 2005...having recently finished work as a CIA logistics officer on board crappy's etc etc...and so endemol should have paid me the earth, for my work - at the time....instead, they were to pay oscar 'n' sylvia £15,000...i never saw a penny of it.....additionally, i can remember sylvia saying "it'll have to do" at the time - in a voice that suggested - she would go and have it out with endemol, in order to try and get more money for themselves - mark you....hmmm...oh and so naturally, the programs that i had put in...were then wiped off the ensure that the sick 'n' the stupid couldn't use any of it, again...or me, for that matter - in that way....and therefore, with no protection in place, at all....another attenborough team, then set off...."idiot children" replies BI online....all murdered by marauding pirates.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:

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