Monday 24 October 2022

 ...oh and 'norman's contribution appears to hark back to a rather 'rocky' beach in doubt, they had all needed a reminder of 'st mawes'....see previous post....go figure:,-5.0188119,3a,90y,253.53h,21.72t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOwKs6h50lsd3A1HsYlhSisVNxwbdize9U1aAl6!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352

(20) Gill (@gilly_breeze) / Twitter

along with an aside to 'heark the herald angels sing'....which appears to be a shortened version of 'to hearken' (archaic) i.e. to listen with your heart...."your stony heart" replies BI online:

hark and hork...heart and hawk....horton - dr seuss....a US programmer had then intoned 'horton'....remember the elephant?....something along those lines....anyway, a lot of wordplay going on, here....resulting in the following:

a 'horten' aka rodway 'winging it' - a mossad a white swimming cap?..."horton reference"...and so we can say 'horton' flying a 'horten'.....hmmm....the US reference had been to the 'whorehouse' and so we now have 'whore-ten' 10, anybody?

horton hears a who....and what does it do?...."rams it up the backside" replies BI online...i can see that....gilly_breeze has given us more than an adequate visual aid:

oh dear....and in a very alternate universe...are we back to 'dirty nuclear bombs' here?..."radioactive dust"...oh i see....BI online has just caught the gist of it all...."the mossad have offered the ukraine a dirty nuclear bomb"...has it been accepted?..."deliberated over"..."not clear, as yet"....hmmm...anyway, the use of 'gliders' or 'drones' will be important...."under the radar"....not drones, though....they have to be electronically active - guided by a control facility....are we looking at a kami kaze number....oh i see...the mossad had told zelenskiy, by way of argument..."the russians have already done it"....anyway, what is 'dirty' about what the mossad are offering, then?.....oh and i'm reminded of those tiny planes, that the mossad had been experimenting with....that's *it*, isn't it?...the ones that you can control by thought...which cannot be picked up by radar, until above their target etc etc....remember flying upside down over china etc etc.....anyway, the crafts were about the size of a canoe for one.....and so let me see...they've been trying to convince zelenskiy to 'buy in' - regarding a sort of 'twin towers' 9/11 number..."airborne suicide bombers"...and so we now know the 'nuclear' element and that is invariably to do with the 'mind'....and the 'dirty' would be etc etc...let me see...the materials used to armourplate the plane, would detonate upon impact...instead of trying to protect the pilot.....anyway, the very idea that those like rodway, could direct anything with their minds....not being 'gifted' in that way....remember how she had cheated her way into MI5 'radio witch' circles etc etc....means that others will be targeted to 'do the job'....other mossad slaves, that is...."remoteviewers"....go figure:

....and so those like myself....faints with well be targeted, if that russian jooish ex-chief of staff of the KGB... i.e. the man from the ukraine says 'yes' the mossad at EE....gave themselves away with 'that one' - didn't they?....anyway, might not see the UK government as being 'serious', nowadays....but that is not quite as bad as the bigger picture....which is quite frankly 'insane':

oh and remember ray fishwick 'n' the doctors - regarding their 'ark' program? it goes, eh?..."brave new world". american pronunciation and not a west country or bristol would have thought that if the researcher had gone that far, to pinpoint those dialects/accents that they would then have bothered to etc etc...."on the beach" - in cornwall, you mean? mawes...and so that is what he had said, is it?...."mistaken for kidding"...are kidding? joke.

and what else, gilly_breeze?...wot's your next image...oh i see.....i should have guessed...the 'elephant' reference...along with a picnic bar?...."that's what he'd said: pick nick"...his first name?..."old nick - the devil - CIA"...and so what's the marsh mallow, doing there then?..."his surname had been marsh":

and er...he had been hung like an elephant?

and well, the floodgates have truly opened for 'lamps' - haven't they?

along with a 'run rabbit run' number:

and to cap it all off...we have a 'carrot orange' pentagon....meaning?...."the mossad had hacked the pentagon"....oh and the bo peep reference appears to be a rimington number:

and this is where things begin to get truly insane?

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