....and i have no real idea 'why' - dazzlenation....lol...but i am kind of reminded of 'this' - see previous posts....go figure:
Robbie Williams Live 8 2005 FULL HD - YouTube
....and i have no real idea 'why' - dazzlenation....lol...but i am kind of reminded of 'this' - see previous posts....go figure:
Robbie Williams Live 8 2005 FULL HD - YouTube
...additionally, gilly_breeze et al....could remember a rather burnt 'treacle tart' having been in the mix, let us say..."trick el" as younger had put it....go figure:
....oh and the following is also upon the timer system, dazzlenation...."the ghosts of memories come back across the bridge" replies BI online....i see - so that is what younger 'n' moore had been up to, with rodway in clacton gardens, around the memorial statue..."they were using her as a conduit"....go figure:
🐶 POCOYO in ENGLISH - Puppy Love 🐶 | Full Episodes | VIDEOS and CARTOONS FOR KIDS - YouTube
....and what else, dazzlenation?...hmmm....something around rodway's halloween nightmare...as put together by younger 'n' miri moore.....in short, rodway had stated "i knew he wasn't dead!" - regarding mike williams....go figure:
Curator of Arms and Armour on Bermejo | National Gallery - YouTube
....and what's new upon my youtube frontpage, dazzlenation?...reminds me of those stone ornaments, in a funny sort of way...remember lisa's 'strafing' game?...oh and you might try google's halloween game....green vs purple, apparently....see previous posts....go figure:
While You Sleep (池田 夏乃 / IKEDA Kano) - YouTube
On the night of the blue moonlight, the girl has a magical dream. She meets a mushroom fairy who takes her to their festival.
....oh and i'm not too sure what this is about, dazzlenation....and so i'll just whack it all up, together...the whole clump....go figure:
(20) Gill (@gilly_breeze) / Twitter
....and what's andrew on then, dazzlenation?...'john caudwell' for some reason.....go figure:
(20) Andrew Marr (@AndrewMarr9) / Twitter
....and what's the 'most watched' upon the BBC site, this evening - dazzlenation?...hmmm....i get the feeling that the 'red and the white' might be a theme, here.....see previous posts.....go figure:
Switzerland sets record with world's longest passenger train - BBC News
....another thing, that is coming up as part of the whole clump, dazzlenation....robo-cluck, late 90s....her car used to be littered with cans and junk food wrappers....i can remember mike williams looking in the back and exclaiming "there's nowhere to sit!"..a veritable rubbish dump....in response, rodway laughed a very deep 'throaty' laugh..."her satanic laugh" replies BI online...yes, that sort of thing....anyway, she didn't even attempt an explanation....at the time, i was also puzzled...i used to have to take along a plastic bag to rodway's car, in order to empty the passenger seat area of 'junk' before i could get in....as a matter of course....and what else?...rodway couldn't explain it but perhaps i can, now....in short, a little bird tells me that rimington had asked her to try everything on sale at local petrol stations....and she had some of the strangest wrappers, that i had ever seen....strange, for rodway...who was normally a healthy eater....i can remember a 'duo' cupcake wrapper, for example...with peanut butter filling...i'd never heard of the company and the ingredients were full of 'E' numbers....what are you doing etc etc....anyway, having realised that it was a sort of OCD thing....remember rodway and her shopping basket in M&S?...I then told her that i would buy petrol for her, the next time.....and so she used to give me her top-up card - so that she didn't have to enter the garage in order to pay....cut out the 'temptation' completely.....and what else?...well, let's have a look for those cupcakes....not a well-known name....plain packaging....plain product....simply a sponge with a filling and so definitely not 'reese' however, i get the feeling that the two might be linked...and yes, i can remember now...having picked that wrapper out and showed it to rodway....she then exclaimed "that must be *it*"....hmmmm...had she been talking about a 'trigger' of sorts?.....go figure.
These Reese’s Cupcakes Are Filled With Peanut Butter, So Our Self-Control Is Gone (bestproducts.com)
..st ivel 'fiendish feet', dazzlenation?....anyway, in a very alternate universe, i now 'get' what that RAF 'dog-fight' plane 'strafing' stone ornament had been about....in short, a game that lisa had constructed...which she had programmed in as...."it's a saint RA fing"...'strafing'....see previous posts.....go figure:
....and one wonders where they got the inspiration for 'this one', dazzlenation...all in all, it reminds me of 'percy' at his desk outside of the olive tree etc etc..."ooh it's a sweetie!", anybody?....never accept sweets from strangers, children....remember icke and his GCHQ team on that isle of wight railway station?.....see previous post....go figure:
....and what's on the timer system, this monday evening, dazzlenation?...what ed gyde had suggested to robo-cluck....regarding programming her 'trio'....and yes, the fourth one, hadn't been around at the time....lol....go figure:
Trio Chocolate Bar Advert - YouTube
....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, the following documentary: 'the motive', is upon the timer system - available upon netflix..."russian joos" replies BI online...and well, that would explain the ein kerem reference in relation to the 'red and white' russian church bells etc etc..."rothschild family"...oh and dare i say that rodway's 'lewis' had looked rather like that (i.e. the-one-with-the-motive-or-not-as-the-case-maybe) etc etc when young - in relation to the really strange israeli media-police-coverage (a very dusty lens?)...anyway, remember lewis and the 'blue contact lens' over brown eyes at 02?...and yet, BI online are telling me, over and over again - that it is a 'jeffrey daimer' number i.e. they are fingering the CIA...remember toddy laughing "we were all jeffrey daimer!" etc etc...oh and there's a little bit more - supplied by pat andrew...something around tony green, in an iranian gaol....remember that rather surreal element which she had added to a certain mural, at 'the meeting place' - acorn villages ltd etc etc...a reminder of the vicinity in which etc etc...'a green being'?....lol....go figure:
....oh and remember that 'children's fancy dress party' that the fishwick family had hosted - late 60s, blackheath - dazzlenation?....because haywood had attended - see previous post...and yes, i can remember now....it had been little andrew who had first dubbed him 'clown-face'....anyway, i had been dressed up in a 'zebra' paperbag dress, at the time....whilst RH had been given a 'tiger' number, by the gydes....turned out, there were no holes for the arms...sylvia had made holes for the eyes but not etc etc...and so in order to eat, we had to take the costumes off - for mrs fishwick to then tear holes in the sides....little colin then decided that he wanted to wear the 'zebra' number, which by that point in time - had sustained a large rip under one armhole but he was quite content, eating his cake and jelly (and yes, he had created a hole for his head to go through, by that point in time)...oh and oscar hadn't been too happy, later on....apparently he had been supposed to give the paperbag 'costumes' back to whoever had loaned them out etc etc..."animals in the zoo party" replies BI online..."obviously they hadn't been intended for party gear"....i wonder who had loaned them, then?...and what their original use had been?....go figure:
Maru wears a Halloween dress. - YouTube
DIY TOILET PAPER COSTUME - hello, Wonderful (hellowonderful.co)
....and what else, dazzlenation?...maru's dress....and now it's time for a bit of history....remember the first time that i had visited the edinburgh festival....remember jarman-the-mathematician along with the young toyah etc etc...and well, MI6 operative peter hayman had been there, too...."her mother was a chink....chinks aren't intelligent"...opposed to japanese or korean?...i am unclear...anyway, time to fulfil expectations by playing the fool etc etc...and what else?...well one can deduce that....hayman had had access to that 'nordic computer' system and so knew something about the family history of trafficked children....oh and his face didn't frighten me...a rubbery sort of 'clown-face'....hmmm....remember toddy and his 'clown-face' sky number?....and what else?...well, quasi-collie had taken a liking to shu-chen-chen at warwick circa 1997....and then offered her a job in london.....the idea being, that shu-chen-chen had wanted british support in keeping hongkong out of the ROC's control...quasi-collie had been working on getting a chinese team, together but had had no success until that point in time....therefore, my appearance in bassnett's centre....had been..."a stroke of luck" replies BI online....none of them knew that i was a mathematician, as far as i am aware....apart from the sicilian MA student 'alicija'....and there's more....and this connects up to that horror movie 'susu'...the one that toddy had wanted me to remember....and something around how difficult it is..."human rights"....something like that...anyway, my initial reaction was to laugh...."trans aren't going to like that"....i.e. the father doing a 'psycho' number in the proverbial basement...oh and gilly_breeze et al, had then chimed in with their 'trans' number etc etc...and yes, peter hayman used to like to put on a dress and declare himself a 'fairy'....go figure:
....oh and there's a bit more, here...something around quasi-collie along with a certain movie that stenson 'n' crow had made a frequency program with, whilst at portishead house....petterssen and findus - anybody?....lol....go figure:
第182話 クリスマス・プディング Not so Hasty Puddings / Not so Hasty Cakes きかんしゃトーマス - YouTube