...oh and this is a complicated little number...'fingering' quite a few, let us say - dazzlenation...from the ely family in east bergholt and that 'garden' centre (not to mention that other 'lawn party', let us say - within the same village...peter bigfoot or whatever he was called - along with his MI5 son..."barefoot" replies BI online)....to st john-in-the-desert pillars which led to the 'beehives' - ein kerem....and finally, we have a whitehall connection along with a buller-at-the-met connection - to what 'mbplanners' at CHP....had known about...a bit of a 'circe/sorcerer' number....see previous posts....go figure:
第68話 トレバーとすてきなパーティー Edward, Trevor & the Really Useful Party きかんしゃトーマス - YouTube
mb-crcenquiries@chp.org.uk, dazzlenation...and yes, i had had a chat with donna about 'all of that', this morning....remember - the whole belle court horrorshow has simply been a highly illegal system of abuse to...well, it depends upon who you are and what the ill had hoped to gain from...."experimental guineapigs" replies BI online...."run from israel"....and then we're back to the 'sephardic shield' which was supposed to protect their royal paedo-cannibal cult of class A drug addicts:
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