Sunday 31 July 2022

....and what else, dazzlenation?...a movie that had once 'inspired' toddy et al, in blackheath - late be 'swingers', let us has to be seen to be terms of a programming device, let us say...i reserve judgement upon it, despite my own 'personal feelings'...along the lines of just 'soft porn'etc etc...although, in the 60s, toddy had told us that it was 'taboo' and X- rated....citing 'sex' as being like 'murder' within his definition of 'taboo' instead of talking about 'incest' (and you wonder how and why some of us grew up so 'confused' about 'all of that'?)....anyway, there are interesting factors within it...for example, the 'bourge' as in bourgeois i.e a man who is about to commit suicide because of his social 'constraints'....the working classes as in a taxi cab driver - who cannot 'break into the bubble' in order to get his money back....and finally, the aristocratic classes who have gone 'completely mad'...a summary of the class structure - in britain, within a certain point within history (and probably relevant, today)...suffice to say, sylvia 'n' oscar - along with all of those other 'swingers' in the blackheath, greenwich area etc etc...identified with other 'swingers'...."within the KGB" replies BI online....and so 'that was that', let us say.....go figure:

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