Monday 27 June 2022

 ....oh and look at what andrew has picked up on, dazzlenation....the ammunition used by those who etc, nota bene....i am not entering this debate - regarding the abortion issue....what i'm saying here is 'this'....the retort could be seen as being part and parcel of an admission of being etc etc...."thoroughly brainwashed" replies BI online..."marr has cleverly angled it".......and so yes, if we paraphrase the sounds like an angry teenager....along the lines of...'i'm not like you and so your rules don't apply - how dare you dictate what i wear or how i dress' etc, there are many good arguments that one could use, in relation to fighting etc etc..however, the argument below is a rather 'juvenile' one...she is living in a christian society - is she not...the original constitution was written by christians etc etc...although the satanists are trying to peck away at it - remember brenda's paedophile friend, who was convinced that he could get paedophilia enshrined within the constitution...within 5 calculated 'moves', let us say....anyway, if you want to overturn that bill - you'd better stop those like her from etc etc..."shooting their mouths off" obvious satanic 'plant' and up to no good...designed to annoy the US christian churches so much that etc etc....go figure:

(17) Andrew Marr (@AndrewMarr9) / Twitter

oh and the interesting point here - from personal experience, that poland was apparently anti-abortion, even during communism.....according to theresa et al - at the british council ELT centre....apparently you had to go to the ukraine, in order to get an abortion....and that was one of the most hideously painful experiences of theresa's life...they didn't use anaesthetics/painkillers and employed 'metal clamps'....and so the whole idea of having to go to another state etc etc....and yes, i've just skimmed that roe vs wade entry....hmmm....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, remember that footage of toby macklin in interview...defending that satanic cult....stating angrily that if women were stupid enough, to get themselves 'up the duff' - then it was their problem...and if the satanic cannibal 'goblins' then did what they did...he didn't care a jot etc etc....and so all in all, if women are not allowed an abortion  - as their constitutional right...then it is likely that they will fall into the hands of those satanic 'goblins'/backstreet abortionists etc etc.....blood opiates addicts......and so yes, i can see why there have been so many protests and rightly so...."ana is a disinformation agent"....well, it looks like she has been put in to get the backs up, of the US churches....a rather powerful lobby, eh?....a calculated attempt to do so...and yes, i've just scanned the networks to find out...that she is one of putin's agents.....go figure.

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