Thursday 31 March 2022

 ....and what's new this thursday morning - dazzlenation?...well, remember that 'sorry saga' around morrison's - stealing approx £100 off of my debit card?...well, 'crappy' was to repay it all....having found out that rimington's desk had been responsible....and guess, what?...this morning, i was to find out that something similar had happened...i.e. I had no morrison's receipt for their 07 mar 22: £23.01 debit upon my latest bank statement.....the difference being, that it wasn't a different bank address (as it had been, the first time)....oh and i had used morrison's 'cash notemac' a couple of days beforehand and so wondered if that had been 'hacked' in order to steal card details etc etc.....formerly, assistants used to ask for your card - all of those years ago, now....before the new card systems, were put in place....which is how that 'scam' had taken place....and that is why i was to figure 'cash notemac' cashpoint in store, had probably been hacked or something like that (i keep all of my receipts, in order to check back)...whilst thinking that the sick 'n' the stupid had most probably wanted to force me to start shopping at ALDI, again (remember that obama 'bunyrabit' idiocy including that 'planet of the apes'/'the junglebook' horrorshow?)...along with boycotting morrison's again, until i got my money back etc way.....anyway, i was to ring up the HSBC to then get put through to 'investment banking' by mistake....reminded me of 'jay blakeney' at MI6...most of the work in his office, there....was 'just that'....oh and by the way, an MI6 'john' type was queuing at one of the trolley tills, in morrison's, this morning....looking a bit worse for if he had slept 'rough' or on somebody's sofa, at any rate.....hmmm....some years ago, now....donna had told me that he had got 'done' for running a 'barbie shop' whatever, that might mean.....and what else?...well, the masons' had their 'homeless' charity scammer, out in front of morrison's again....whilst a manageress was complimenting herself and her aide, to a member of her general staff, that they were doing all that they could about 'homelessness' - whilst located down the frozen food ironic, eh?....and so what can i say but that 'scammer' will be a lot better off, certainly - courtesy of morrison's, if nobody else.....and so what can i make of it all?...."the ill cult on the steal, again" replies BI online.....well, as i have previously pointed out....'crappy' got the money back in full....gave me more than what had been stolen, in point of fact....and so this time around....i want more.....oh and i was to report the whole thing via a certain telephone conversation to the HSBC etc etc....and yes, so many were 'listening in' to those HSBC conversations...and yes, i suppose that this is all about evans' network - regarding his employment at said bank - as a 'governor' before he hot-footed it to chechnya, with a lot of BI's money etc etc....funny, that...those like berezovsky come over here and he goes there...odd one, isn't it....all part of the 'grand plan', i it goes, eh?

Boris Berezovsky (businessman) - Wikipedia

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