Monday, 23 August 2021

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?....'covid' in the news, again....and let me see....i might be an exceptional case but anyway, once i had stopped having the flu jab...i stopped getting flu/fluey colds every winter....strange but true.....although i have to add that having worked abroad, in so many different countries and having had so many 'jabs' over the decades - if i am not resistant to most things - nowadays, let us and i might add that what i find most appalling about 'all of it' the intimation that one is being 'selfish' if one chooses not to be vaccinated....that argument doesn't hold water, at all....because everybody is back to 'square one' - once the latest 'variant' appears upon the scene....whether they have been vaccinated or matter how many 'jabs' they have already had....they are just as likely to pass on the latest variant, as somebody who has had no jabs, at all..anyway, luckily my surgery sent out a letter, early on....telling patients that they could opt out completely and would not be contacted again - whilst underlining the fact that one could change one's mind at any point....which was entirely reasonable, i felt....however, it appears that some surgeries are pestering people with etc etc....and of course, in these hot summer months....people don't want to be 'needled' by an endless stream of etc they?....go figure:

What does getting Covid feel like for the fully vaccinated? (

‘Nazi b*****ds’: GPs facing torrent of abuse and violence as patient frustration boils over (

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