Monday 28 December 2020

 ...and we begin at the beguine, dazzlenation....this monday evening....and what's new upon weather maps?'s dearlove's previous posts....go figure:

Clacton-on-Sea - BBC Weather

with wile e coyote close behind?

oh and according to dearlove...after a 'false start'...this is when they really get going:

along with "they'll never get it" and well, you could have fooled me....anyway, the following is an attempt to represent the 'beguine' upon etc etc in rainclouds....go figure:

and then it's back to 'mister blue-nose' again, dazzlenation:

"they'll have hidden it"

oh and there is a note upon the timer system to mention what i can only describe as a prince harry 'sarah and duck' figure:

and yes, there's obviously a lot of other stuff 'to come' but i have no information about it, so far - dazzlenation:

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