Thursday 24 December 2020

 ....and so to cut a very long story, short - this christmas morning, dazzlenation...i was to remember several inter-connected events...first up, brenda 'n' 'crappy' discussing the fate of the sikhs - at the hands of the british royals, who were trying to bankrupt them - after they had asked for their diamond back....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....anyway, what was quite clear...was that in relation to their charity-work....they needed good legal advice/guidance...and so a man-from-the-british-council stepped forward to offer his services....see previous notes upon that 'grey area', let us say...between british council PLC/registered charity etc etc....go figure:

Koh-i-Noor - Wikipedia

next up, i was to encounter a new sainsbury's assistant, the other by the name-tag of 'ethan' (dyed blond hair - a CF/alexander reference, as far as i am aware)....sent in because he had been 'in the room', let us say - whilst the above were discussing etc etc...'crappy' had scanned him, in order to find out that 'ethan' belonged to the 7th dimension, or M7 if you prefer, et al, then set the memory aid trail...see previous notes upon the british royals burying so much of their 'treasure trove' in queensland...."like a dog with a bone"....additionally, see previous notes upon marr's new about the eliza/e-lizard-ethans, then?....little lizards are now falling from the sky, gill knows....he was to recently see one, do 'just that'....go figure.

and what else?...well, another time, another operation...and this time a local location....clacton shopping village...a factory outlet park....not frequented by many, as far as i can remember....although used by quite a few programmers....lisa used to dress her 'people' up in blazers...a bit hi-de-ho?...or perhaps ''the prisoner'...anyway, it was a mission to catch 'emu' out, let us say...with the object of identifying who had been running her...turned out to be the mossad....oh and younger had joined forces with brenda, along with a US and UK marines' team...not to mention sue whalley's sister and mother - in order to etc etc...the things that happen, around many years ago, now....go figure:

Hi-de-Hi!: The Mystery Word - YouTube

oh and one last note for gill...remember eliza manningham-buller and her 'gimpel the fool' slur?...well, it had applied to you, as well - gill....remember how you had identified as 'MiG'...whilst i had identified that old afghan coat of mine (early 80s) as a 'leper's thumb'?....gimpel....lep-mig.....and there's more....sonia fisher had added 'leipzig' to the pile...."the lie pigs" replies BI online...mossad and the 'lips' eh?

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