Wednesday 28 February 2018

....and what else?....well, earlier on this morning....I was to walk by a front of the coffee shop, opposite to magnet house....she was talking loudly to 'somebody'....about how most of the shops in Clacton, were closed....because of the snow.....later on I was to overhear how a Sainsbury's employee had managed to get in by 'taxi'.....and as I walked back from Sainsbury's....there were 'gritters' at work, upon the pavements - with 'red sand' it goes, eh? see previous notes upon that EU law, regarding 'gritting' etc etc....go figure.

....and what else?...well, I was to find a 'mothering sunday' card (11th march, according to an employee) as well as a birthday card, in Sainsbury' then choose a few pics to highlight.....from this morning....

.....oh and regarding my selection of pics - well, there are those, who say that I am 'delusional' and that nothing 'odd' goes on, in my life - such as the view from my living room window....go figure:

and what else?...well, I was amused by the tractor-plough.....early on, this morning....and mainly because little, if nothing else had been done, about the that point in time....go figure:

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