what was that HULL address again, gill?...because the supposed location of your former laptop, this evening...is in London, England...go figure...HU9, 2 HULL...was that it?
anyway, that FREAKING NEWS poster in relation to the 'flying euro'...the YOU-ROE according to alex younger and his roe-bot minions....
and now I know why the face of the queen...was made to look rather like the anguished face of hanni gloor...see previous notes and photos etc....
alex younger is known in some circles as EL-COD isn't he? can you guess why?
oh and I would guess that dazzlenation's plumbus...is something to do with the simplification of it all...to the nth degree...so that younger's roe-bots manage to 'get' it....in some shape or form..."in whatever way they are capable of understanding" replies MI5 ONLINE...go figure...