what else? Hoskins had also left clues in the window display of QD....in relation to 'blue, blue' and 'multiverse'....he appeared to be tracking and tracing the 'escher' taschmann program....as his next target? oh and he had been responsible for those 'recall notices'...go figure....
.....what else? well, I was to find what beckham had decided to call his 'multiverse' - an object that was supposed to represent him and his 'multiverse'....oh and this is in relation to programming his slavebase in 'child alters'......and so what else.....what could be more appropriate than a 'magical, golden bouncy ball' which would entrance young children....eh?
funny how I was 'surrounded' by WILKO staff, as I was to pick one of those bouncy balls up....4 of them and at really close quarters....and yes, the 'children's pocket money' display is right next to their staff door but even so.....they had surrounded me, as if I were stealing the 'crown jewels'....and so naturally, I smiled and apologised for being 'in their way' although it was quite the opposite and then hurried on to the tills....
"like gannets" replies MI5 ONLINE...oh, shades of the prague Rothschild team then, at the DTO? - after Eleanor lurring had emptied out her 'bag of tricks' - see previous notes (lurring had liked to do 'cloze' popsong tests, in efl classes).....let me see...wilko's....Woolworth's....jooish stores....what else?
...having brought my shopping home...I decided to bounce that ball...to have a bit of a 'shock'....the 'device within it' began to light up, after impacting.....several times - upon my kitchen floor.....
impacting? imp-acting? see previous notes upon mark r....oh I remember now...another varro/beckham facsimile program....designed to make the 'viewer' figure that it had all been mark r's fault....and yes, I have 'blamed' him for far too much, so far - haven't I? do you see how clever the varro/beckham team are? apologies to 'that quarter'....
....but not that many apologies to 'that quarter'....because mark r used to hold up a 'quarter' and say "you are worth less than that"...if you do not do what the ill cult says.....your life is worth less than that....
mark r had at least given me 'coded help'..."your life is not worth a quarter...but if you can nick-el..." - go figure.
roz brady and colin Farrell used to have 'something similar'..... a 'chant' at dartington....a folksy whimsy popsong which had had a verse within it..."and on the way, back - I cuddled with jack - along with a bottle of cider - and all for under a pound you know"....roz and colin saw themselves as part of the upper classes...the hunting, shooting, fishing, horse-riding classes....and they were to program their slaves as "all for under a pound, you know"....the reference above, as the two of them had known....was beer families allowing 'free beer' for their starving peasantry 'one day a year' upon the promise that they would vote for them.....to then be taken back by 'cattle-cart' to their 'mud-hut'.....go figure.
"but he couldn't stay with roz....he had to stay with you....because he had a blood disorder" replies BI ONLINE - see previous notes....."and he hated the way that you could 'hang him out on the line' for it....has done, ever since".....
photos from today...first up...'what was left on belle court foyer floor'....the brochures and that 'pink thing'....next up - QD display windows and that toilet paper (multiverse reference) along with the 'recall notices'....then the WILKO paints....and finally that 'bouncy ball'....I was to take quite a few shots of it....having found out, that when you bounced it...it lit up - and rather startlingly...unexpected....children would love it...'at a certain age'....very young children would be frightened witless, no doubt...
a pity that I am not able to upload videos to this blog....but the whole 'bouncy ball' thing, is rather fun....
anyway, it is called a 'glitter ball' on the receipt....a 'light up - glitter ball'....and so you are given 'hardly any warning' that is all I can say....it costs £1.50 at WILKO.
that pink thing...I was to talk about 'pink things' this morning...i.e. CANDY FLOSS.....and yet that 'pink thing' in belle court foyer looks more like a 'rifle' of some description....
"the PINKY POINK" replies BI ONLINE....what do you mean by that? I know that it is a reference to THE NIGHT GARDEN upon the BBC.....'little pinky fingers' as in your little finger?
....and upon a 'pinky poink' search....something around the 'ill cult Japanese system' of mind control slavery.....by Templar Ashkenazim jooish Armageddon players.....
MOSSAD might do well, to 'research this one':
you see, this morning...an idiot' within the MOD...within ROYAL SERVICES....he was to say to his colleagues "put her on the front line"...oh 'one of the princes' was it?.....well his underling had agreed to the whole idea....
MI5....I see....the one person who can really help you....is 'yet again' put on the front line - see previous notes upon BI putting me 'out as bait' again and again.....it is rather like the 'battle of the somme' - see previous notes upon my grandfather (battleground 'conditions and lines' have changed nowadays - see previous notes upon 'digital').....anyway, let me continue.....the one person who can help you - you then put 'on the front line' in order to get them killed off quickly? does that make sense to anybody? did that make sense in WWI or WWII apart from Nazis - the fifth column in british society and the military? does that make sense nowadays? time and time again - the ill have advised BI to 'put me on the front line'....to the extent that Andrew parker is now saying to his aides "what does it matter? just put her in the firing line, again".....you evil ****s....you will pay for everything that you have done - that is all I can say...."and that includes parker if he doesn't revise his opinions quickly" replies US INTELLIGENCE online.
beckham......poor sad sod....what was he really all about? 'a failure' in terms of football - as no doubt, so many fans told him - after international football matches....an Ashkenazim robot....who had been ultimately 'distracted' by those with 'superior gadgets' in the crowd.....go figure.
I am not going to 'empathise' with him....or tell you why his wife ended up 'wetting herself' because of a 4 pin-plug chip in her head....you can figure it out, for yourselves....it is all such a tragedy and of epic proportions, isn't it?
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